Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Insects Bites

Ayurvedic Tips To Deal With Bug Bites photo

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  • Honey is the best remedy to treat insect bites as it contains antimicrobial properties that help to remove itching sensation and prevent infection. Take a clean cloth and dip it into honey and apply it to the affected part.
  • A combination of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice is the best home remedy. For the treatment apply it on the affected area with a cotton ball.
  • Onions are good for soothing your skin after a mosquito bite. A few drops of onion juice on a mosquito bite can reduce the irritation. It also has antifungal properties that can reduce the risk of infection. The presence of the enzymes in the onion helps to break down inflammatory compounds. Cut a slice of onion and apply it to the affected part.
  • Aloe vera gel is very effective in treating insect bite. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf, cut it open, apply it to the affected area to reduce pain, swelling, and itching.
  • Baking soda can soothe the itching, stinging, and redness associated with mosquito bites. Apply the paste of baking soda by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with three teaspoons of water. .
  • Papaya is also a well-known home remedy for bug bites. An enzyme from the fruit can chop venom to bits, reducing the pain from bites and stings. Slice raw papaya and apply it on the affected part to wipe out the swelling effect.
  • Lavender is a popular essential oil and an effective remedy for treating bug bites. This oil can be applied directly to bites. It has soothing properties, and it can also be pain-relieving. It can be helpful for spider bites, fire ant bites, and bee stings.
  • Cold temperatures and ice can reduce inflammation caused by bug bites. Using a cold pack or a bag filled with crushed ice to relieve the itching caused by a mosquito bite.
  • In Ayurveda, you can take a handful of basil leaves, add turmeric to them and apply it to the insect bite; it acts as an antiseptic and prevents infection.
  • Turmeric and sandalwood are the best remedies to treat bug bites. Sandalwood helps to soothe your wound because sandalwood has cooling properties, and turmeric will help speed up the healing process.
  • Another remedy is banana peel. The inner skin of a banana peel is used as an anti-irritant and it helps to cut down the discomfort, pain, and irritation caused by bug bites.
  • In ayurvedic home remedies, neem is an effective medicinal plant to treat insects’ bites. It is often applied to the wound in the form of powder mixed with water.
  • The juice from coriander leaves is also used to cure wounds. Depending on the thickness, it can be used along with water to provide relief to insect wounds.
  • Salt is an easy remedy to treat mosquito bites. Mix some salt in water and apply the liquid to the affected area.