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A New Perspective on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy And Ayurveda Photo

A New Perspective on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy And Ayurveda

Fatty liver Symptoms and Causes & Treatments - A discussion with Kerala Ayurveda Doctor Photo

Fatty liver Symptoms and Causes & Treatments - A discussion with Kerala Ayurveda Doctor

Ghee (clarified butter) health benefits and usage as per Ayurveda Photo

Ghee (clarified butter) health benefits and usage as per Ayurveda


Health Benefits Of Triphala - The Miracle Herb And Kerala Ayurveda

Health Benefits Of Triphala - The Miracle Herb And Kerala Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the 5000 years old science of living, is a true blessing to mankind. It has gifted us with incredible recipes for good health and happy life. Triphala is just the embodiment of such an Ayurvedic miracle. It is considered the nectar of life for its many therapeutic characters. It is one of the most commonly used herbal remedies in the Ayurvedic system of healing. ..

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Ayurvedic Treatment For Primary Hyperlipidemia Or High Cholesterol

Hyperlipidemia is also known as high cholesterol refers to several disorders that can result in too much fat (lipids) in the blood. These lipids can enter the walls of the arteries and increase the risk of developing the hardening of the arteries, which could cause hyperlipidemia complications such as heart disease or stroke. Primary hyperlipidemia is usually happening due to genetic causes such as a mutation in a receptor protein. The two major types of lipids found in the blood are triglycerides and cholesterol. Cholesterol is produced naturally in your liver and Triglycerides are made when your body stores the extra calories. ..

Paranthyadi Thailam Uses

Paranthyadi Thailam is an ayurvedic oil. It is a herbal formula used for centuries in Ayurveda to treat dermatitis, spider bites, and other skin conditions. Sesame or coconut oil is its base...

How To Treat Uttana Vata Rakta (Scleroderma) In Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient medicinal system that originated in India more than 5000 years ago. Ayurveda aims to cure diseases naturally through herbal remedies, massages, dietary & lifestyle recommendations, yoga, and meditation. ..

Saribadyasavam (Sarivadyasava)-Ingredients And Health Benefits

Saribadyasava or Saribadyasavam is an Ayurvedic medicine in liquid form. Asavas are mildly alcoholic preparations. Saribadyasava is a cooling combination of drugs that soothe the heat and acidity of aggravated pitta. It is beneficial in relieving chronic inflammatory disorders of the gut and urinary tract. ..

Health Benefits Of Swedana Or Sudation Therapy

Swedana or Sudation Therapy is a classical Ayurvedic treatment in which artificially sweat is induced in the patient. It is a prerequisite for Panchakarma. It is also called steam therapy. Swedana Therapy is an effective treatment for Vata disorders like asthma, catarrh, hemiplegic, and many other diseases caused by Vata disorders. It also treated ailments like cough, running nose, sinusitis, flatulence, constipation, heaviness, stiffness, joint pain, musculoskeletal pain, spasticity, and various Vatavyadhi like paralysis, osteoarthritis, low backache, etc. It is very useful to cool down the body. ..