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A New Perspective on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy And Ayurveda Photo

A New Perspective on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy And Ayurveda

Fatty liver Symptoms and Causes & Treatments - A discussion with Kerala Ayurveda Doctor Photo

Fatty liver Symptoms and Causes & Treatments - A discussion with Kerala Ayurveda Doctor

Ghee (clarified butter) health benefits and usage as per Ayurveda Photo

Ghee (clarified butter) health benefits and usage as per Ayurveda


Health Benefits Of Triphala - The Miracle Herb And Kerala Ayurveda

Health Benefits Of Triphala - The Miracle Herb And Kerala Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the 5000 years old science of living, is a true blessing to mankind. It has gifted us with incredible recipes for good health and happy life. Triphala is just the embodiment of such an Ayurvedic miracle. It is considered the nectar of life for its many therapeutic characters. It is one of the most commonly used herbal remedies in the Ayurvedic system of healing. ..

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Ayurvedic Benefits Of Mahanarayan Oil/ Mahanarayana Thailam

Mahanarayan oil is an Ayurvedic medicine with rich content of potent herbs. The herbs used to prepare this formula have a lot of medicinal properties. The application of Mahanarayan oil ensures infinite health benefits. The Ayurvedic formula is found to be very effective in the treatment of arthritis. Most of the Vata disorders can be cured with the regular usage of Mahanarayan Oil. People who suffer from back pain and joint pain can use this oil to get rid of the pain. The oil can be used to treat sore muscles as well...

Saptasaram Kashaym In The Treatment Of Hip Pain

Saptsaram kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine in the form of herbal decoction. Saptasaram Kashayam can treat hip pain, back pain, constipation, indigestion, etc. As the name indicates, Saptasaram kashayam is a combination of seven potent herbs with rich medicinal properties. ..

Ayurvedic Benefits Of Agasthiyar Thailam

Agasthiyar thailam is a herbal formula in the form of oil that can treat various health conditions such as headaches, rheumatic disorders, etc...

Sudhabala Thailam To Treat Neurological Disorders

Sudhabala thailam is a high-quality Ayurvedic oil made according to Kerala Ayurvedic principles. The oil is beneficial in treating neurological diseases. Ayurveda suggests both external and oral usage of Sudhabala thailam to treat various health conditions...

Medicinal Properties Of Indukantha Ghritham Or Indukantha Ghee

Indukantham Ghritam is an Ayurvedic medicine with the key ingredient of ghee. The ghee is made from cow's milk. Indukantham Ghritam has been widely used in Ayurveda to treat abdominal diseases and is an inevitable part of Panchakarma therapy. According to Ayurveda, Indukantha Ghritam is very effective in pacifying Vata dosha. ..