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A New Perspective on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy And Ayurveda Photo

A New Perspective on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy And Ayurveda

Fatty liver Symptoms and Causes & Treatments - A discussion with Kerala Ayurveda Doctor Photo

Fatty liver Symptoms and Causes & Treatments - A discussion with Kerala Ayurveda Doctor

Ghee (clarified butter) health benefits and usage as per Ayurveda Photo

Ghee (clarified butter) health benefits and usage as per Ayurveda


Easy And Effective Ayurvedic Diet And Lifestyle Modifications For Acid Reflux Or GERD

Easy And Effective Ayurvedic Diet And Lifestyle Modifications For Acid Reflux Or GERD

Acid reflux disease also called Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive disorder in which acid from the stomach moves up into the esophagus (food pipe). Normally, this valve opens to allow food in, and then it shuts tightly. With GERD, the valve stays open, allowing stomach acids to flow back up into the esophagus, causing heartburn and many other symptoms. ..

Based On Your Reading History

Health Benefits Of Vara Churnam

Vara churnam is a herbal powder used in Ayurveda to treat various ailments, including eye problems, digestive difficulties, and gastrointestinal diseases. Vara churnam's main constituent is Triphala. Vara churnam is very effective in eliminating body toxins. ..

Ingredients, Uses, Dosages, And Side Effects Of Jatyadi Ghrita

Ayurveda is an alternate medicinal system that originated in India more than 5000 years ago. Ayurveda aims to bring a balance between mind, body, and soul. Ayurvedic treatments are 100% natural and are free from side effects...

Paranthyadi Thailam Uses

Paranthyadi Thailam is an ayurvedic oil. It is a herbal formula used for centuries in Ayurveda to treat dermatitis, spider bites, and other skin conditions. Sesame or coconut oil is its base...

Health Benefits Of Danthapala Thailam

Dandthapala Thailam is a herbal formula in the form of oil. The tropical application of this oil can manage various health conditions such as skin diseases, dandruff, hair fall, etc. The oil is prepared based on Kerala Ayurvedic practices...

Chiruvilwadi Kashayam-An Ayurvedic Remedy For Piles And Fistula

Chiruvilwadi Kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine in water decoction form. This herbal supplement is mainly used in Ayurveda for the treatment of piles and fistula. This medicine is also available in Kashayam tablet and Churna form. It also helps relieve abdominal disturbances like abdominal lumps, constipation, and indigestion. Thus, it improves digestion and increases metabolism...