Ayurvedic Treatment For Facial Palsy Or Bell's Palsy

Ayurvedic Home Remedies And Herbal Remedies For Bell’s Palsy photo

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The main aim of the treatment is to restore the strength of your facial muscles, improve blood circulation, rejuvenate your nerves, and prevent further attacks. This can be obtained through internal medicine as well as external modalities.

Internal medications include herbal decoctions which reduce inflammation, special tablets, churnas, ghee preparations that can pierce the blood-brain barrier and increase regeneration.

External modalities include Panchakarma treatments. The main panchakarma treatments for facial palsy are:

  • Abhyanga

    Abhyanga is a massage that is done with warm medicated oil. It improves eyesight, nourishes muscles, and improves age and skin complexion.

  • Swedana, or mild sweating

    It means medicated steam is given to the body. It reduces pain as well as stiffness. It is an effective remedy for Bell’s palsy.

  • Nasya

    Nasya means instillation of medicine thru the nostrils. According to Charaka, Nasya karma has beneficial effects in the specific treatment of Ardit Roga. Nasya therapy offers symptomatic relief in facial paralysis since it offers effective body purification, especially in the upper body part.

  • Shiro abhyanga

    Shiro Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy involving the application of warm, herb-infused oil over the head with a gentle massage. It is one of the most relaxing and stress-relieving procedures. This type of treatment effectively treats Bell's Palsy. With Shiro Abhyanga, the oil is absorbed into the deepest tissues of the scalp, nourishing the hair and skin and infusing the medicinal effect of the herbs into deeper layers of the body.

  • Shirodhara

    Shirodhara is a traditional Ayurvedic method of healing that has been in use since ancient times to bring the mind, body, and soul to a harmonious level. It is the best purifying and rejuvenating treatment for Bell's Palsy. According to Ayurveda, Shirodhara helps in pacifying the abnormal Vata doshas. The herbal oils used in this treatment balance the cool, light, and fluctuating nature of the Vata dosha and relieve the disease.

  • External Lepa

    Lepa includes all the medicines of Ayurveda that are applied externally on skin or wounds in the form of a layer of paste.

The external Ayurvedic therapies that are helpful for the proper management of bell's Palsy are Abhyanga, Swedana, Shiro Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Lepa, and Nasya.