Ayurvedic Treatments For The Diseases Caused Due To The Consumption Of Viruddha Ahara

Diseases Caused Due To The Consumption Of Viruddha Ahara photo

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  • Shodhana

    Shodhana treatment aims to remove ama (toxins) from the body through Vamana and Virechana therapy. Sodhana would be one of the best treatments for people who consume Viruddha Ahara for a long time. .

  • Shamana

    Shamana treatment suits people who are not consuming Viruddha Ahara for a long time, with proper medication, the symptoms of diseases caused due to Viruddha Ahara can be reduced.

  • Nidanaparivarjana

    This is the first and foremost step that everyone should follow to avoid the harmful effects of Viruddha Ahara. .

The harmful effects of consuming Viruddha Ahara can be controlled through proper Ayurvedic treatments like Shodhana, Shamana, and Nidanaparivarjana.