Benefits Of Kumaryasava

Health Benefits, Ingredients, Side Effects Of Kumaryasava( Kumari Asav) photo

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Kumaryasava has infinite health benefits and has been widely used in Ayurveda to treat various diseases. The potent herbs added to the formula have a lot of medicinal properties.

  • Treats menstrual disorders

    From ancient times onwards, Kumarasava founds very effectively in treating menstrual disorders. Kumarasava relieves painful periods and regulates menstrual flow due to the formula's high concentration of powerful herbs. Kumarasava also finds it to be very effective in the treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

  • Treats cough and bronchitis

    Kumaryasava is rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Regular consumption of Kumarasava strengthens lung muscles and lessens the production of mucus.

  • Treats epilepsy

    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder where brain function becomes abnormal. The antioxidant properties in Kumaryasava can mitigate mitochondrial oxidative stress in the brain and lower seizure frequency in epilepsy.

  • Treats Indigestion

    The powerful herbs contained in Kumaryasava like Aloe vera and Tamra Bhasma helps in the secretion of bile from the liver. Hence the liver function and digestion improve naturally.

  • Hepatic Steatosis

    Hepatic Steatosis is also known as Fatty liver syndrome. The herbs contained in Kumaryasava have the power to stimulate the fat and hence prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver.

  • Treats male impotence

    Kumaryasava is very effective in treating male impotence by increasing the libido and improving the quality of sperm.

  • Treats Constipation

    Kumarasava helps in the treatment of constipation as the formula contains aloe vera which is laxative in nature.

  • Enhances skin glow

    The natural herbal presence in Kumaryasava rejuvenates the skin and enhances skin glow.

Regular consumption of Kumaryasava ensures lots of health benefits such as relief from painful periods, treats menstrual disorders, treats diseases like epilepsy, constipation, male impotency, hepatic steatosis, indigestion, cough, and bronchitis, and enhances skin glow.