Causes Of Ascites

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The general causes of Ascites are the following:
- Liver Disease
Any disease that causes liver damage can make you more likely to get ascites. They are Liver Cirrhosis and Veno-Occlusive disease.
- Malignancy
The term "malignancy" refers to the presence of cancerous cells that can spread to other sites in the body or invade nearby and destroy tissues. Some of the Specific Cancers that cause Ascites are Liver Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, and Peritoneal metastasis.
- Hypoalbuminemia
Low albumin condition is called Hypoalbuminaemia. The specific diseases that are caused by ascites under the category of this condition are Nephrotic syndrome, Protein-losing enteropathy, and Malnutrition.
- Hepatic vein obstruction
This is another cause of Ascites.Specific disease under this condition Budd-Chiari Syndrome. It is a disorder characterized by narrowing and obstruction of the veins of the liver (hepatic veins).
- Chronic Inflammation
This is another reason for Ascites. The specific diseases under this category are pancreatitis, Appendicitis, and infectious peritonitis. .
The main causes of Ascites are Liver Disease, Malignancy, Hypoalbuminaemia, Hepatic vein obstruction, and Chronic Inflammation.