Causes Of Atopic Dermatitis

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The abnormal function of the immune system is the major cause of Atopic dermatitis. Your skin may not be able to protect you from allergens. The factors that cause Atopic dermatitis are:

  • Immune system

    Immune system in our body overreacts to allergens that cause skin inflammations.

  • Stress

    Both physical as well mental stress levels cause skin allergies.

  • Genes

    If any of your family members has dermatitis history, there are chances to have eczema to other members also.

  • Environmental triggers

    There are various environmental factors that lead to dermatitis. They are pollan, dust, certain fabrics, certain soaps and detergents, etc.

Abnormal function of the immune system leads to Atopic dermatitis and symptoms are dry & itchy skin, cracked skin with bleeding, etc.