Causes Of Diabetic Retinopathy

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Most of the causes of Diabetic Retinopathy are our diet and the lifestyle we follow. Common causes of Diabetic retinopathy are,

  • High glucose blood levels for long periods

    People who undergo high blood sugar for a long time have chances for Diabetic retinopathy because the small blood vessels in the retina get damaged. Such a condition seldom leads to swelling in the retina also.

  • Smoking

    Smoking is hazardous to diabetic patients because cigarettes contain nicotine which makes the blood vessels harder and narrow. Such a condition disrupts the smooth blood flow around the body.

  • Alcohol consumption

    Excessive alcohol consumption leads to oxidative damages to the retina.

  • High cholesterol

    High cholesterol levels cause blockage of blood vessels or may lead to leakage of fat into the retina.

  • High blood pressure

    High blood pressure leads to blockages of blood vessels or leakages in the retina.

High cholesterol, high blood pressure, high glucose levels for a long period, smoking, alcohol consumption, etc.