Effective Yoga Asanas For Senior Citizens

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  • Standing Yoga asanas

    The major standing yoga asanas for senior citizens are as follows:

    • Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

      Hip problems are routine among seniors. So Trikonasana helps strengthen and stretch the hip region. It also helps to regulate blood pressure, aids digestion and reduces stress.

      How to do it: Stand straight with your arms open sideways, parallel to the floor. Keep the legs about 3 feet apart. Shift the right foot toward the outer side and slowly turn the left foot inward. Slowly bend the torso, tilting toward the right without moving forward. Bend completely to reach closer to the right ankle and then touch the floor. Stretch the left arm up; lift the head upward with a fixed straight gaze.

    • Katichakrasana (Standing Spinal Twist)

      This type of yoga poses helps to keep the spine straight, preventing slouching; helps to strengthen the arm and leg muscles, thus t seniors can firm on their feet.

      How to do it: Stand up straight with your feet together. Keep your spine erect to keep your shoulders straight. Keep your legs apart from each other by an equivalent number to the shoulders. Stretch your hands to the front, palms facing each other. Your hands should be in line with your shoulders.

  • Sitting yoga asanas

    Sitting yoga asanas that are effective for senior citizens includes:

    • Badhakonasana (Butterfly Pose)

      It helps to clear bowel movements by regulating digestion. It stretches the thighs and knees, reducing joint stiffness and pain. It boosts the health of the kidneys, prostate glands, ovaries, and bladders. It also reduces exhaustion and improves the health of the lower back.

      How to do it: Sit straight on a comfortable surface. Keep your legs straight in front of you. Gently bend the knees and bring the feet toward the pelvic region. Make sure that the soles of both feet are touching each other. Place both hands under the feet, holding them firmly to give support. Inhale deeply. Exhaling, press the thighs and push the knees down to the floor. Bring the knees up. Repeat the motion, flapping the things like the wings of a butterfly. Continue doing the asana a few times, and then gently release the pose.

    • Child Pose (Balasana)

      This child pose helps senior citizens calm their minds and calm their nervous systems. It relaxes the back, helping to relieve backaches and aiding digestion.

      How to do it: Sit on your heels on a comfortable surface with your hips on the heels. Gently move forward. Make sure your forehead is touching the floor. You can keep your arms along your body or in front of you just beside your head. Hold the position for a few seconds and then release it.

    • Marjariasana (Cat Stretch Pose)

      This pose makes the spine flexible, reducing the stiffness that comes with age and relieving back pain. Other benefits are that it massages the digestive organs and improves digestion, tones the abdomen, improves blood circulation, and relaxes the mind.

      How to do it: Sit in Vajrasana, then stand on your knees. Lean in the forward direction. Place your hands flat on the floor with palms down and fingers facing toward the forward direction. Keep the hands in a line with the knees. Keep the arms and thighs perpendicular to the floor. It is the starting position. Inhale a deep breath and raise the head while putting stress on the spine in the downward direction so that the back can turn into a concave shape.

  • Yoga poses lying on the back or stomach

    This type of yoga asana includes:

    • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

      The cobra pose improves blood circulation that weakens with age. Most old people feel less energetic most of the time. Doing the cobra pose strengthens the back and shoulders, helping seniors feel more energetic.

      How to do it: For Cobra Pose, lie down on your abdomen and point your feet behind you. Bring your hands next to your chest and engage the glutes and back muscles as you curl the chest up away from the floor, supporting the shape with your arms.

    • Shalabhasana (Locust Posture)

      One of the biggest benefits of this type of yoga among senior citizens is that it tones the neck and back muscles, increasing flexibility, tones the abdominal organs, and thus improves digestion.

      How to do it: Lie down on the ground on your belly and put your palms on the ground. Join both feet. Slowly raise the lower portion of the waist while keeping the legs straight. Stay in this position for some time. Put both your hands beneath your stomach and raise your feet as high as possible.

    • Pawanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

      One of the common digestive problems faced by old people is flatulence. They could get good relief from such problems by doing Pawanmuktasana. It also increases blood circulation to the hip joints and releases tension in the area.

      How to do it: Bend both legs at the knees and rest the thighs against the abdomen, keeping the knees and ankles together. Encircle the knees with both arms, hands clasping opposite elbows. Bend the neck and place the chin on the knees. Continue to maintain the asana, breathing normally.

  • Chair yoga for senior citizens

    Chair yoga, also called desktop yoga poses, is a gentle form of yoga that can be done while sitting. You can do chair yoga nearly anywhere you can find a place to sit. Chair yoga can improve your flexibility, concentration, and strength while boosting your mood and reducing stress and joint strain. Chair yoga relaxes the neck and back muscles and helps to alleviate body pain, tension, and fatigue. It also helps to regulate body movements and improve the sense of balance, while increasing overall muscle strength.

  • Yoga Nidra or Yogic Sleep

    Yoga Nidra also known as yogic sleep is a powerful technique for controlling your body's relaxation response. It is called yogic sleep because it induces states of mind that are between being asleep and being awake, resulting in deep relaxation and rejuvenation. It can also help manage immune function, blood pressure, cortisol levels and induce restful sleep. Studies show that meditation and yoga Nidra were both effective in reducing anxiety and stress among senior people.

Effective yoga asanas beneficial for senior citizens are Trikonasana, Katichakrasana, Badhakonasana, Child Pose, Marjariasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Pawanmuktasana, Chair yoga and Yoga Nidra.