Health Benefits Of Abhaya Choornam

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In Ayurveda, Abhaya choornam is widely used to treat the following health conditions.
- Treat constipation
Abhaya choornam includes a lot of Rasayana (laxative) qualities that help smooth bowel movements. Abhaya choornam enhances bile secretion by the liver, and the peristalsis movement of the intestines and liver, culminating in a smooth faecal passage from the large intestine. Abhaya choornam also aids in the regulation of excess fat in the stools and allows easy bowel movement.
- Treat piles
Administration of Abhaya choornam is a great way to get rid of heaps. The most common symptom of piles is painful or sometimes bleeding bowel movements. Abhaya choornam's laxative properties soften the faeces, allowing it to pass easier through the intestines.
- Treat Indigestion
Abhaya choornam is abundant in carminative and digestive stimulant properties, which aid in the breakdown of food particles in the stomach and intestine, and the generation of digestive juices. The absorption of essential nutrients through the intestines is enhanced by the choornam.
- Treat urinary diseases
Abhaya choornam's strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory content aids in the control of bacterial infections in the urinary system and the alleviation of painful urination.
- Treat Ascites
Ascites is a medical condition wherein too much fluid accumulates in the belly. Abhaya choornam's antimicrobial and antioxidant properties aid in the treatment of fatty liver, alcoholic liver disease, and liver damages incurred from accumulated toxins.
Constipation, ascites, urinary illnesses, piles, indigestion, and other health conditions can be effectively managed by consuming Abhaya choornam.