Health Benefits Of Basil (Tulsi)

Health Benefits Of Holy Basil (Tulsi) photo

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  • Controlling blood sugar

    According to Ayurveda, Tulsi is considered a fine remedy in treating Type 2 Diabetes. Tulsi is rich in hypoglycaemic properties which help to lower blood sugar levels. Also, tulsi can reduce certain diabetes symptoms like hyperinsulinemia, and weight gain.

  • Manage inflammations and swelling

    Tulsi leaves are rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Hence tulsi can be used to treat inflammations related to various diseases.

  • A stress buster

    Studies have proven that tulsi can reduce various emotional disorders like stress, anxiety, and depression. Tulsi contains Ocimum Sides A and B compounds that can balance the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the brain; hence stress levels can be controlled.

  • Enhances heart health

    The antioxidant properties of tulsi can prevent cardiovascular diseases to an extent by controlling hypertension, suppressing ischemia and stroke. Also, tulsi leaves extract contains eugenol content that can lower blood pressure by blocking calcium channels in the body.

  • Controls Gastrointestinal diseases

    As we know, tulsi is rich in antioxidants that can clean out your stomach and offers you smooth digestion by balancing the acid refluxes and maintains the pH levels. Tulsi helps to remove toxins from the liver and enhances its function. Various digestive diseases like bloating, constipation, acidity, and flatulence can be cured with tulsi.

  • Boosts immunity

    Tulsi acts as an immunity booster due to the rich content of Zinc and Vitamin C. Also, tulsi has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties which help to fight various infections naturally. Tulsi extracts can increase the production of immunity-building cells.

  • Helps in weight loss

    Tulsi is a good and easily available herb if you have a desire to lessen your weight naturally. Tulsi can improve the metabolism rate that can accelerate the fat burn process naturally.

  • Enhances liver function

    Tulsi is rich in antioxidants that help to expel toxins from the liver; hence liver function improves automatically.

  • Fights with cancer

    Tulsi is rich in Phytochemicals that have strong antioxidant properties that protect our body from various diseases like lungs, liver, skin, and oral cancers.

  • Treats Respiratory diseases

    Various respiratory problems like cough, cold, bronchitis, etc can be effectively treated with tulsi. Tulsi contains camphene, cineole, and eugenol properties that help in relieving congestion. Also, the expectorant property in tulsi helps expel phlegm from your chest, the immunomodulatory property maintains the immune system and the antitussive property reduces coughing by suppressing the cough center.

  • Prevents Kidney stones

    Tulsi contains diuretic properties that can decrease uric acid levels in the body which prevents kidney stone symptoms and ensures relief to patients suffering from gout.

  • Good for skin

    The antioxidant properties in tulsi prevent skin aging naturally. The anti-bacterial properties in tulsi prevent various skin diseases like acne, ringworm, etc. Also, tulsi is a natural blood purifier and regular consumption ensures healthy and glowing skin.

  • Cures eye-related problems

    Tulsi can cure various eye-related problems like conjunctivitis and boils. Tulsi water can be used to wash your eyes that reduces strain on your eyes and ensures soothing of eyes.

  • Improves oral health

    Chewing tulsi is the natural way to refresh your mouth. Tulsi contains antibacterial properties that help to fight bacterias entering the mouth. Tulsi leaves extracts can prevent oral problems like dental cavities, plaque, tartar, and bad breath.

  • Fights with various infections

    Tulsi is rich in anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and antifungal activity which helps to protect our body from various infections.

Tulsi is an effective herb in treating various diseases naturally. Tulsi is rich in various healthy properties and nutrients. Tulsi has infinite health benefits like fights with various infections, decreases stress levels, improves liver health, cardiac function, oral health, skin tone, liver function, prevents kidney stones, helps in weight loss, reduces inflammations, stress levels, eye-related problems, fights with cancer, treats respiratory diseases, controls Gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes type 2, and boosts immunity.