Health Benefits Of Dantyarishtam

Health Benefits Of Dantyarishtam photo

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Dantyarishtam is rich in a variety of strong herbs with immense health benefits. The medicinal properties of Dantyarishtam help to treat various diseases like:

  • Treats Anorexia

    The natural digestive and appetizer properties of Dantyarishtam helps in easy digestion of food, promotes the absorption of nutrients, and improves appetite naturally.

  • Treats gastritis

    Gastritis is a condition of excessive accumulation of stomach acids. Regular consumption of Dantyarishtam helps to prevent burning sensation, regulates the secretion of the stomach acids, and optimizes appetite naturally.

  • Treats indigestion

    Dantyarishtam has been widely used in Ayurveda to treat indigestion. The digestive stimulant and carminative properties of Dantyarishtam helps in easy digestion by breaking down the food particles in the stomach and intestine, enhancing the secretion of the digestive juices, and thereby increasing the absorption of essential nutrients through the intestines.

  • Treats Irritable bowel syndrome

    The mild laxative property of Dantyarishtam helps to stimulate the evacuation of the bowels.

  • Treats skin diseases

    The rich antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Dantyarishtam helps to prevent various bacterial and viral infections naturally.

  • Treats Ulcers

    Stomach ulcers like peptic and ulcerative colitis can be effectively treated with the glycoprotein secretions of the herbs contained in Dantyarishtam.

Dantyarishtam has been widely used in Ayurveda to treat various health conditions like anorexia, indigestion, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, and piles. Dantyarishtam is a complete solution for your digestive disorders.