Health Benefits Of Jatyadi Oil

Health Benefits Of Jatyadi Oil photo

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Jatyadi oil is a popular Ayurvedic herb with multiple health benefits.

  • Treat piles

    Applying Jatyadi oil in the rectum and around the anus can cure itching, pain, discomfort, and irritation caused due to piles in the anal region. The medicinal properties included in Jatyadi oil such as antimicrobial and antibacterial prevents the irritations due to the piles.

  • Treat skin diseases

    The external application of Jatyadi oil prevents various kinds of skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, etc.

  • Manges fissure

    Hard stool or severe diarrhea is the primary reason for the development of fissure. Anal fissures can be effectively treated with the external application of Jatyadi oil. The oil helps to cure cracks and ease bowel movement.

  • Treat fistula

    Fistula is a health condition of external opening in the skin and it can be cured with the external application of fistula. The oil can prevent skin infections related to fistula.

  • Reduces cracks on feet

    The local application of Jatyadi oil over the feet prevents cracks and pains.

Various body ailments that can be cured with the local application of Jatyadi oil are piles, fissures, fistula, skin diseases, cracks on feet, etc.