Health Benefits Of Kasthuryadi Gulika

Kasthuryadi Gulika For Digestive Disorders photo

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Kasthuryadi Gulika is widely used in Ayurveda to treat various health conditions such as :

  • Treat anorexia

    Kasthuryadi Gulika has a high concentration of deepan properties that promote appetite and treat anorexia efficiently.

  • Treat cough

    The expectorant properties of Kasthuryadi Gulika enhance sputum production by the airways and alleviate cough.

  • Treat Asthma

    The asthmatic properties of Kasthuryadi Gulika treat asthma naturally.

  • Treat involuntary muscle

    The antispasmodic properties of Kasthuryadi Gulika treat spasms of involuntary muscle.

  • Treat fever

    The antipyretic properties of Kasthuryadi Gulika treat fever symptoms.

Kasthuryadi Gulika is an Ayurvedic medicine that can treat various health conditions such as fever, asthma, cough, cold, anorexia, gastritis, etc.