Health Benefits Of Parthadyarishtam

Parthadyarishtam- A Heart Tonic photo

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Parthadyarishtam is a polyherbal formula with multiple health benefits. It is considered a heart tonic in Ayurveda.

  • Boost immunity

    Parthadyarishtam is rich in immuno-modulatory properties that strengthen the body by boosting immunity.

  • Regulate heart rhythm

    Parthadyarishtam contains cardio-protective properties that strengthen cardiac muscles and regulate heart rhythm.

  • Treat anaemia

    Parthadyarishtam is very effective in elevating hemoglobin levels and improving blood circulation.

  • Body tonic

    Parthadyarishtam is rich in nutrients like minerals and antioxidants that provide strength to the body to fight infections.

  • Maintain cholesterol levels

    Parthadyarishtam contains hypocholesterolemic properties that help to reduce high cholesterol levels and treat hypertension naturally.

Parthadyarishtam is a herbal formula to treat health conditions such as cardiac disorders, anaemia, fatigue, debility, etc.