Health Benefits Of Pinda Thailam

Ingredients And Health Benefits Of Pinda Thaila/ Pinda Thailam photo

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Pinda thailam plays an important role in eradicating body pains and calming the body. The thailam is very effective in balancing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha.

  • Treats arthritis

    A warm massage with Pinda thailam to the whole body helps to get relief from joint pains, joint tenderness, redness, swelling, and inflammations associated with arthritis. Pinda thailam is found to be very useful in the treatment of Gout arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Treats skin diseases

    Pinda thailam is rich in healing and antimicrobial properties that help to soothe the skin and prevent various skin irritations like itching, redness, rashes, and excessive skin exfoliation.

  • Treats burning feet syndrome

    Massaging the feet with Pinda thailam helps to get rid of tiredness, fatigue, and burning sensation of the feet.

  • Treats sleep disorders

    A gentle body massage with Pinda thailam helps calm the body and relax the muscles and joints, ensuring a good sleep.

  • Treats pitta disorders

    Pinda thailam has cooling properties that help to cure the symptoms of Pitta disorders like bones, joints, muscles, and skin.

  • Treats premature aging

    Regular body massage with Pinda thailam helps to soothe the skin, boost immunity, and remove toxins from the body. And slow down the aging process.

  • Treats obesity

    Regular massage of Pinda thailam to the whole body helps to mobilize fat cells and helps in reducing body weight naturally.

  • Improves quality of hair

    A gentle massage with pinda thailam on the hair has a lot of benefits like improving hair quality, enhancing sleep quality, preventing headache, relief from stress and anxiety, etc.

Pinda thailam is rich in nutrients and medicinal properties that help to cure various diseases like gout, arthritis, skin diseases, obesity, premature aging, burning feet syndrome, sleep disorders, and improves hair quality.