Health Benefits Of Sidharthaka Snana Churnam

Ayurvedic Benefits Of Sidharthaka Snana Churnam photo

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Sidharthaka Snana Churnam has multiple skin benefits.

  • Sidharthaka Snana Churnam improves skin colour.
  • Sidharthaka Snana Churnam treats various skin disorders such as psoriasis, itching, leprosy, etc.
  • Sidharthaka Snana Churnam can use as a bathing powder that manages skin disorders.
  • Sidharthaka Snana Churnam can resume the discolouration caused by healed skin lesions.
  • Sidharthaka Snana Churnam can use as a lepa that can apply over the affected skin areas.

Sidharthaka Snana churnam can manage various kinds of Skin disorders.