Preventive Measures To Cure Cancer
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Ayurveda, naturopathy, yoga, and lifestyle changes can play a major role in the prevention of cancer as well as other diseases. According to Ayurveda, all diseases happened due to an imbalance of Tridoshas (i.e. Vata / Pitta / Kapha) Saptdhatu & mala. There are certain principles mentioned in our old texts about the daily regime
- Dincharya
Dinacharya starts with waking up at Brahma muhurta- during this time, Shuddha Vayu, Jala, bhumi, Prakasha, and akasha are present. Morden science accepts that exposure to early morning sun’s rays reduces Vitamin D deficiency. .
- Rutuchanya
By regulating the Ahara Vihara according to seasons, the possibility of Doshavaishamya is minimized, increases immunity, reduces GI disturbances, and promotes well-being.
- Achara Rasayana
By observing truthfulness, avoiding anger alcohol- violence- exertion, remaining peaceful, soft-spoken, Smaswapna Jaagarana, Nitya Ksheera Gruta Abhyasa, regime according to Kaala and Desa, etc helps in maintaining comfortable psychological and physical activity, which leads to hormone balance, restoration of anabolic activity, leading to Ojovriddhi and in turn enhances immunity.
- Regular habits of doing exercise, yoga will help to keep a healthy body and mind. .
- Avoiding certain faulty habits like smoking, drinking, avoiding contact with harmful chemicals and pesticides can prevent us from such harmful diseases.
Following dinacharya, Ritu Charya, and Achara Rasayana will help not only to prevent cancer but also to revert the complications during the therapies. Nityopayogi Ahara and proper vihara help in maintaining the equilibrium of doshas and in turn both physical and psychological well-being.