Ayurvedic Benefits Of Triphaladi Thailam

Triphaladi Thailam - Ingredients, Health Benefits, Dosages, And Side Effects photo

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As per Ayurveda, aggravated Pitta dosha causes various inflamamtory health conditions. Triphaladi thailam helps to pacify aggravated Pitta dosha and manages health conditions caused due to Tridosha imbalance.

  • The application of Triphaladi thailam over the head helps to get relief from hair fall, grey hair, hair split, etc.
  • Triphaladi thailam promotes hair strength.
  • The external application of Triphaladi thailam helps to manage headaches, rhinitis, etc.
  • Triphaladi thailam treats scalp disorders such as dandruff and baldness. The thailam keeps the scalp clean and soapy.
  • Triphaladi thailam helps to treat the weakness of the eyes, throat and ears.
  • Triphaladi thailam helps to treat recurrent upper respiratory tract diseases and inflammation of the sinuses.

Triphaladi thailam is a herbal formula that effectively manages headaches, sinusitis, rhinitis, dandruff, hair fall, hair split, grey hair, etc.