Ayurvedic Men’s Skincare Routine

Ayurvedic Approaches Towards Men’s Skin Care photo

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Following are the Ayurvedic men’s skincare routine:

  • Cleanse skin with cool water and use a completely natural, Sulfate-free, detergent-free, gentle cleansing face wash. .
  • When you're indoors, spray rose water or splash pure, clean, cool water on your Pitta-affected skin. If you are traveling outside, protect your skin by wearing a full-frontal helmet. After returning home, cleanse the skin with a gentle herbal Men's face wash to remove any accumulated dirt and toxins.
  • At night, apply a pitta balancing, evenly nourishing skin oil. Do not use petroleum-based moisturizers as they will simply clog skin further.
  • Once a week, Ayurveda recommends the application of a healing Lepa. If your skin is acne-prone, Ayurveda recommends an anti-acne face mask. If you travel outdoors extensively and have high sun exposure, use a sun face mask. .
  • By doing abhyanga, and frequent hair oiling finds a reduction in photosensitivity and pitta-related skin issues. The Abhyanga is a once-a-week re-set that is a must for Men. It helps balance aggravated Vata and Pitta and improves skin and hair health.