Ayurvedic Approaches Towards Men’s Skin Care

Ayurvedic Approaches Towards Men’s Skin Care photo

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Skin Care

Skin is the largest organ of the human body that gets presented to the external environment and requires more care and concern immediately than any other organ because any changes in the skin look visible to others than to oneself. Like women, maintaining the skincare of men is very important. The composition of hormones in the body determines several factors in the skin such as the thickness of the skin, its texture, its smoothness, the oil secretion in the skin, and the way it ages. The male hormones like testosterone and the androgenic help produce coarser and thicker skin and thicker hair. This set of hormones also influences sebum production. So men’s skin is oilier than women’s skin. Due to the presence of cross-links, Men’s skin sags less compared to women and therefore ages less.

According to Ayurveda, any skin disorder occurs when there is an imbalance in the doshas and dhatus in our body. Two of the main causes of diseases that cause vitiation of doshas are wrong diet and life. Men’s skin suffers from aggravated Pitta-Kapha dosha when the men’s skin is not maintained or cleaned properly. That leads to greasy, oily skin, whiteheads and blackheads, and dense breakouts when younger. As age increases, the pores enlarge, skin texture becomes rough and leathery, and pores become more and more visible.

Ayurveda is an ancient system in which treatments are based on balancing the three doshas. The first step involves balancing pitta and Kapha using the correct herbs. Next, the skin has to be cleaned gently and thoroughly and regained with toxin-free, yet supple and elastic. Ayurvedic skin care can include facials, face masks, and herbal formulations. Some of these remedies may help in the treatment of skin issues, like acne, eczema, dryness, redness, and rosacea.

Ayurvedic Skin Care Treatment For Men

The first step of Ayurvedic skincare for men is to cleanse, shave, tone, and moisturize according to the sebum levels of the skin. They are explained below:

  • Cleansing

    The first and basic healthy routine for facial skin is to wash it at least twice a day. It is important to understand your skin type and use a healthy cleansing agent like soap, gel, or face wash to cleanse your face and skin.

    The best cleansing agent for Vata type or dry skin is pomegranate face wash as its natural properties provide hydrated and moisture skin. For ‘Pitta’ type or skins which are oily or prone to acne, it is advisable to use the face washes of ‘Tulsi’ or ‘Neem’ having natural antioxidants properties.
  • Toning

    Toning is an important treatment to keep men’s skin clear and free from any shine. It cleanses the pores and helps to remove excess oil with a deep cleaning effect. It also improves the appearance of the skin, especially of sagging skin.

  • Moistening

    Moisturizing is an important step to maintain your skin's healthy cells and to protect them from irritation. The natural moistening comes from hydration and healthy fat consumption that includes eating almonds, walnuts, avocados, and nuts that naturally give your face and body a glow or shine that it needs the most other than the moisture application on the body and face.

  • Shave

    Shaving correctly is the most important factor in avoiding rashes, dryness, and discomfort caused by shaving. If you stop shaving, you will accumulate a layer of skin at the top of the epidermis, making it a little tougher for products like moisturizers to penetrate and be effective. So shaving is an important factor for maintaining men’s skin and hair health.

The important treatments for men’s skincare health in Ayurveda are cleansing, shaving, tone, and moisturize.

Ayurvedic Men’s Skincare Routine

Following are the Ayurvedic men’s skincare routine:

  • Cleanse skin with cool water and use a completely natural, Sulfate-free, detergent-free, gentle cleansing face wash. .
  • When you're indoors, spray rose water or splash pure, clean, cool water on your Pitta-affected skin. If you are traveling outside, protect your skin by wearing a full-frontal helmet. After returning home, cleanse the skin with a gentle herbal Men's face wash to remove any accumulated dirt and toxins.
  • At night, apply a pitta balancing, evenly nourishing skin oil. Do not use petroleum-based moisturizers as they will simply clog skin further.
  • Once a week, Ayurveda recommends the application of a healing Lepa. If your skin is acne-prone, Ayurveda recommends an anti-acne face mask. If you travel outdoors extensively and have high sun exposure, use a sun face mask. .
  • By doing abhyanga, and frequent hair oiling finds a reduction in photosensitivity and pitta-related skin issues. The Abhyanga is a once-a-week re-set that is a must for Men. It helps balance aggravated Vata and Pitta and improves skin and hair health.

Ayurvedic Herbs For Skin Health

Some of the Ayurvedic herbs that are beneficial for maintaining men’s skincare ate the following:

  • Amla

    Amla, also known as the Indian gooseberry, is rich in vitamin C and has medicinal properties like antioxidants that make it a great anti-aging herb. It promotes healthy skin and reduces the signs of aging. It also helps to tighten your skin and gives you a healthy glow. The presence of adaptogenic protects your skin from the side effects of excess stressors and pressure.

  • Tulsi

    Tulsi is the best remedy for signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. It helps in providing nourishment, and also improves the texture of your skin. So tulsi is called a skin-friendly herb.

  • Ginseng

    Its anti-aging properties make it useful for skin care. It contains phytochemicals, which fight the signs of aging and protect your skin from sun damage.

  • Ashwagandha

    Ashwagandha is rich in antioxidants, which help protect your skin against any free radicals and its stress-relieving properties rejuvenate the skin. Regular consumption of ashwagandha gives you youthful and glowing skin.

  • Haldi

    Turmeric is truly nature’s gift to mankind. The presence of curcumin in turmeric has anti-aging properties, which make your skin look younger. So, include turmeric in your diet that gives you youthful skin.

  • Giloy

    The presence of immunity-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties aids in regenerating skin tissue and the fight against inflammation.

  • Jasmine Leaves

    The presence of antiseptic nature in jasmine leaves prevent microbial infections on the skin. It also regulates the amount of oil produced, which makes it excellent for people with oily skin.

  • Sandalwood

    It is well known for its skin-lightening and cooling properties. It helps prevent inflammation and also helps in the reduction of acne, pimples, and rashes on the skin. It also helps soothe your skin after being exposed to the sun. Make a paste using Chandan powder and rose water and apply it to your skin. It makes skin hydrated and cleansed.

  • Neem

    Neen is famous for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is known to penetrate deep into the skin and remove dead skin cells. It also opens clogged pores helping stimulate natural oil production. For getting complexion take some neem leaves and make a paste using rose water and apply it on the skin directly. .

  • Moringa

    The presences of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties cure any rash, blemish, or acne on the skin. It helps reduce inflammation, further preventing the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Kesar or saffron

    Kesar is the best remedy for skin-lightening and also for making the skin tone even. Its anti-fungal content is an effective treatment for acne, pimples along with blemishes, and blackheads. Add some saffron in warm milk and let it soak overnight. Apply the mixture on your skin and leave it for some time before washing it off.

  • Aloe Vera

    This Ayurvedic herb is one of the most used herbs with numerous health benefits. It has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and cooling properties that can provide a lot of relief from skin problems. The gel from this plant gives your skin a soothing effect leaving it rash and blemish-free.

  • Padmaka

    The powder of the Padmaka plant is great for improving skin complexion.

  • Nagkesar

    This has various benefits such as improving skin complexion and leaving behind smooth and supple skin.

  • Vetiver

    It is an important herb to fight acne, blemishes and also gives a radiant even skin tone. Vetiver is used for brightening skin tone. .

The important herbs that are beneficial for the proper management of men’s skin health are Vetiver, Nagkesar, Padmaka, Aloe Vera, Kesar, neem, sandalwood, jasmine leaves, Giloy, Haldi, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, and Amla.


All the information related to Men’s skincare Health is based on various Ayurvedic resources. Always prefer the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before using herbs and herbal remedies.

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