Ayurvedic Benefits Of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam

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Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam
Chitrakagranthikadi kashayam is a herbal formula in the form of decoction. Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam can manage various health conditions like abdominal bloating, obesity, indigestion, etc.
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Ingredients Of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashaym
Some of the general ingredients of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam are Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Granthika (Piper longum), Eranda (Ricinus communis) and Shunti (Zingiber Officinalis).
Medicinal Proeprties Of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam
Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam is rich in potent herbs with multiple medicinal proeprties.
- Digestive.
- Carminative.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Anti-microbial.
- Neuro-protective.
- Laxative.
The consumption of Chitrakagranthikadi kashayam can manage the following health conditions.
- Obesity.
- Abdominal bloating.
- Indigestion.
- Dysmenorrhea.
- Hypothyroidism.
Health Benefits Of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam
- Treat abdominal bloating
Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam is rich in carminative properties that effectively treat abdominal bloating.
- Treat indigestion
The digestive properties of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam enhance digestion and treat digestive disorders.
- Treat Constipation
The laxative properties of Chitrakagranthikadi kashayam treat constipation symptoms.
- Treat abdominal pain
The analgesic proeprties of Chitrakagranthikadi kashayam treat abdominal pain.
Chitrakagranthikadi kashayam treats abdominal bloating, digestive disorders, constipation, obesity, etc.
The precise dosages of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam differ from person to person depending on age, gender, and health conditions.
Side Effects
There are no know side effects with the consumption of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam.
The consumption of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam during pregnancy and lactation should be under strict medical advice only.
All information related to the health benefits of Chitrakagranthikadi kashayam takes from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.
- Ashtanga Hrudaya Chikitsa Stana – 14/48.