Health Benefits Of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam

Ayurvedic Benefits Of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam photo

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  • Treat abdominal bloating

    Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam is rich in carminative properties that effectively treat abdominal bloating.

  • Treat indigestion

    The digestive properties of Chitrakagranthikadi Kashayam enhance digestion and treat digestive disorders.

  • Treat Constipation

    The laxative properties of Chitrakagranthikadi kashayam treat constipation symptoms.

  • Treat abdominal pain

    The analgesic proeprties of Chitrakagranthikadi kashayam treat abdominal pain.

Chitrakagranthikadi kashayam treats abdominal bloating, digestive disorders, constipation, obesity, etc.