Ayurvedic Properties Of Ayaskrithi
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- Deepan
The digestive fire.
- Pandughna
Treats anemia.
- Shothahar
Prevents inflammation. .
- Kaphavatashamak
Pacifies aggravated Vata and Kapha.
- Lekhaniya
Scraping property.
- Prameha
Useful in diabetes.
- Krimighn
Worm destroying.
- Kushthhagn
Removes skin diseases.
- Kusthaghna
Herbs that treat skin diseases.
- Raktadoshahar
Blood purifying.
Raktadoshahar, kusthaghna, kushthhagn, krimighn, prameha, lekhaniya, kaphavatashamak, shothahar, deepan, and pandughna are the Ayurvedic properties of Ayaskrithi.