Ayaskrithi- Health Benefits, Medicinal Properties, And Dosages

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Ayaskrithi is a herbal formulation that has been widely used in Ayurveda to cure various diseases like anemia, leucoderma, anorexia, indigestion, diabetes Mellitus, urinary diseases, skin disorders, obesity, etc. The Sanskrit word ' Aya' means 'iron' and ' Krithi' means ' creation'. A variety of powerful herbs with lots of medicinal properties are contained in Ayaskrithi. The formula is very effective in stimulating metabolism and digestion. Ayaskrithi plays an important role in reducing belly fat also. Ayaskriti is available in liquid form.
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Medicinal Properties Of Ayaskrithi
Potent herbs are the key ingredients of Ayaskrithi. These herbs are rich in a variety of medicinal properties like:
- Antioxidant.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Anthelmintic.
- Hepatoprotective.
- Fat Burner.
- Carminative.
- Antihyperlipidemic.
- Antimicrobial.
- Digestive Stimulant.
- Anti-obesity.
- Febrifuge.
- Antihyperglycemic.
Ayaskrithi is rich in antioxidants, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, fat burner, anti-obesity, carminative, antihyperlipidemic, antimicrobial, digestive stimulant, febrifuge, and antihyperglycemic.
Ayurvedic Properties Of Ayaskrithi
- Deepan
The digestive fire.
- Pandughna
Treats anemia.
- Shothahar
Prevents inflammation. .
- Kaphavatashamak
Pacifies aggravated Vata and Kapha.
- Lekhaniya
Scraping property.
- Prameha
Useful in diabetes.
- Krimighn
Worm destroying.
- Kushthhagn
Removes skin diseases.
- Kusthaghna
Herbs that treat skin diseases.
- Raktadoshahar
Blood purifying.
Raktadoshahar, kusthaghna, kushthhagn, krimighn, prameha, lekhaniya, kaphavatashamak, shothahar, deepan, and pandughna are the Ayurvedic properties of Ayaskrithi.
Ingredients Of Ayaskriti
The potent herbal ingredients are the power of Ayaskrithi in treating various diseases. They can be mainly grouped under the category of Kwatha dravyas, Sandana dravya, and Prakshepaka dravya.
Kwatha Dravyas:
- Asana(Vijaya) Pterocarpus marsupium 960 grams.
- Tinisha Anogeissus latifolia 960 grams.
- Bhurja Betula utilis 960 grams.
- Shwetavaha Calotropis procera 960 grams.
- Prakeerya Sapindus trifoliatus 960 grams.
- Khadira Acacia catechu 960 grams.
- Kadara Acacia polyantha 960 grams.
- Bhandi Rubia cordifolia 960 grams.
- Shimshapa Dalbergia sissoo 960 grams.
- Meshashringi Prosopis specigera 960 grams.
- Trihima (Chandana,Raktachandana,Daruharidra) 960 grams.
- Chandana Santalum album 960 grams.
- Raktachandana Pterocarpus santalinus 960 grams.
- Daruharidra Berberis aristata 960 grams.
- Tala Borassus flabellifer 960 grams.
- Palasha Butea monosperma 960 grams.
- Jonkaka Aquilaris agallocha 960 grams.
- Shaka Grewia populifolia 960 grams.
- Shala Shorea robusta 960 grams.
- Kramuka Phyllanthus reticulatus 960 grams.
- Dhava Anogeissus latifolia 960 grams.
- Kalinga Holarrhena antidysenterica 960 grams.
- Ajakarna Acacia leucophloea 960 grams.
- Ashwakarna Cassia fistula 960 grams.
- Jala Water 98 liters.
Sandana Dravya:
- Guda Jaggery 9.5 Kg.
- Madhu Honey 1.6 Kg.
Prakshepaka Dravya:
- Vatsaka Holarrhena antidysenterica 48 grams.
- Murva Marsdenia tenacissima 48 grams.
- Bharangi Clerodendron serratum 48 grams.
- Katuki Picrorrhiza kurroa 48 grams.
- Maricha Piper nigrum 48 grams.
- Ativisha Aconitum heterophyllum 48 grams.
- Gandira Coleus forskohlii 48 grams.
- Ela Elettaria cardamomum 48 grams.
- Pata Cyclea peltata 48 grams.
- Ajaji Carum carvi 48 grams.
- Kadvanga phalam Oroxylum indicum 48 grams.
- Ajamoda Trchyspermum roxburghianum 48 grams.
- Sarshapa Brassica alba 48 grams.
- Vacha Acorus calamus 48 grams.
- Jeeraka Cuminum cyminum 48 grams.
- Hingu Ferula foetida 48 grams.
- Vidanga Emblia ribes 48 grams.
- Pasugandha Cleome gynandra 48 grams.
- Pippali Piper longa 48 grams.
- Pippali Mool Root of Piper longa 48 grams.
- Chavya Piper retrofractum 48 grams.
- Chitraka Plumbago zeylanica 48 grams.
- Shunti Zingiber officinale 48 grams.
- Shudha loha patra Iron foil 48 grams.
Sadana dravya, Prakshepaka dravya, and Kwatha dravya are the key ingredients that make Ayaskrithi a powerful herbal medicine.
Health Benefits Of Ayaskrithi
Ayaskriti is available in liquid form made with potent herbs. The importance of Ayaskrithi has been mentioned in Ashtanga Hridaya. The multiple health benefits offered by Ayaskrithi are:
- Treats Indigestion
The digestive stimulant property in Ayaskrithi stimulates digestion, metabolism, and assimilation; hence improving digestion naturally.
- Treats anemia
Iron is the core content of Ayaskrithi. Anemia can be effectively treated by the proper intake of iron. The iron content in Ayaskrithi increases the hemoglobin level naturally. .
- Treats worm infestation
The anthelmintic property of Ayaskrithi helps to destroy parasitic works from the body without any side effects. .
- Treats Diabetes Mellitus
Ayaskrithi helps to control and mobilize blood sugar levels from the central to peripheral compartment effectively. .
- Treats Obesity
Ayaskrithi is rich in anti-obesity properties. Studies have shown that there is a direct relation between iron deficiency and obesity. Ayaskrithi contains a large proportion of iron; which helps to prevent obesity effectively. Iron is lipolytic in nature that helps to break down fat cells and prevents excess fat deposits in the body. .
- Treats Piles
The anti-inflammatory properties of Ayaskrithi helps to prevent swelling and irritations related to piles.
- Treats leucoderma
The anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties of Ayaskrithi helps to treat leucoderma positively.
- Treats Anorexia
Ayasthari helps in easy digestion due to its rich digestive properties. So that appetite increases naturally. .
- Pacify Vata and Kapha dosha
The Kaphavatashamak property of Ayaskrithi helps to pacify Vata and Kapha dosha; thereby preventing various diseases as well.
Ayaskrithi is beneficial in curing diseases like Diabetes Mellitus, anorexia, obesity, indigestion, Kapha and Vata imbalances, anemia, piles, worm infestation, leucoderma, and skin diseases.
Dosage Of Ayaskrithi
The recommended dosage of Ayaskrithi is 10ml to 20 ml with an equal proportion of water twice a day after the meal.
Side Effects
No serious health issues have ever been reported with the use of Ayaskrithi.
- Better to avoid Ayaskrithi during the pregnancy period.
- People with hyperacidity should consult their doctor before using Ayaskrithi. .
The information regarding Ayaskrithi and its health benefits was collected from ancient Ayurvedic resources. Kindly get the advice of your Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.
- Ashtanga Hridaya.