Ayurvedic Remedies To Remove Dandruff

Ayurvedic Treatments And Remedies To Cure Dandruff photo

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Following Ayurvedic remedies are very powerful to wipe out the symptoms of Dandruff. Let’s see how it works:

  • Neem Oil

    Neem oil contains properties like antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Neem oil is an effective remedy to get relief from inflammation, itchiness, and irritation that result from dandruff. .

  • Bringadi Oil

    It is an effective remedy to fight Dandruff and Hair Loss. It is a combination of Bhringraj oil and a few herbs like Amla, Indigo, Sesame, and Balloon Vines. It also prevents hair problems like hair loss, scalp irritation, dandruff, and premature greying. The oil helps in cooling and soothing the scalp. It also provides relief from the itchiness and greasiness caused by dandruff.

    To get fast relief from dandruff gently massages Bringadi oil into hair, ensuring that the entire scalp is covered. Repeat it once or twice a week. .

  • Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil helps to remove dandruff caused by dryness. It is very effective in hydrating the skin. Various studies show that massaging coconut oil to the scalp and hair for eight weeks helped in stopping the symptoms of dandruff.

    So for better results before washing the hair, massage a few tablespoons of coconut oil into your scalp and hair, let it sit for at least 30 minutes, and then wash the hair properly.

  • Lemon

    Lemon is a well-known remedy against dandruff. The citric acid present in lemon helps fight dandruff from the roots and thus breaks down the fungus responsible for causing dandruff, and it also helps in reducing the oil production of your scalp

    For getting good results, massage your scalp with two spoon-full of fresh lemon juice, and let it sit for a minute, then mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a cup of water and rinse your hair with it. Do this at least twice a week before washing your hair, and you can see amazing results.

  • Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera can be directly applied to the scalp to get relief from the symptoms of dandruff. Aloe Vera gel has a moisturizing effect on dry skin and helps reduce irritation of the skin. The presence of enzymes in Aloe Vera helps to reduce inflammation and its antioxidant properties prevent skin cell damage.

  • Tea tree oil

    Tree tree oil is an effective Ayurvedic remedy to treat dandruff. Its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce the complications of dandruff. It is also very effective in fighting the strains of fungus which cause both dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. .

  • Baking Soda

    Baking Soda helps to remove Dandruff and Itching. It also gets rid of the scaling and itchiness of the scalp. To remove dandruff use baking directly to wet hair and massage it into your scalp. Let it sit for a minute or two, and then wash your hair with shampoo as usual.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple Cider Vinegar is an effective remedy to remove dead skin cells and balance the pH of the scalp. It may prevent the growth of certain types of fungus.

    To get good results, mix two to three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with the same amount of water, then apply it to your scalp and leave it on for a few minutes. After that, shampoo your hair.

  • Maintain Healthy Diet

    A balanced diet-food rich in fatty acids and probiotics, really helpful in reducing dandruff. Include a lot of green vegetables with essential nutrients in your diet to provide your hair health. It also includes avoiding spicy, greasy, hot foods and incorporating high nutritive value fiber-rich foods, salads, fruits, and lentils. Diet should also include antioxidant foods like green tea, almonds, walnuts; plenty of green leafy vegetables. Along with these diets maintain proper hygiene to hair. Washing your hair regularly and massaging the scalp using herbal oils prevent the accumulation of dead scalp cells and prevent the occurrence of dandruff.

Dandruff is a common problem that many people face. The most common causes of dandruff, according to Ayurveda, are aggravated Vata and Kapha doshas. To manage the symptoms of Dandruff, Ayurveda aims to maintain the proper balance of the three doshas in the body. Ayurvedic remedies include the use of neem oil, brinjal oil, coconut oil, aloe vera, lemon, tea tree oil, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and maintaining a healthy diet.