Ayurvedic Treatment Of Sacroiliitis

How To Manage Sacroiliitis In Ayurveda? photo

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According to Ayurveda, the accumulation of ama (toxins) in the joints causes sacroiliitis. Sacroiliitis can be averted by eliminating ama doshas from the body. Panchakarma is a traditional Ayurvedic practice used to expel toxins from the body by lubricating it. Panchakarma is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body.

Panchakarma is a classic Ayurvedic practice followed to expel toxins from the body by lubricating it. Panchakarma is considered a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body.

Ayurveda recommends panchakarma treatments like Snehana (oleation), swedana (sudation), and mridu virechana to get relief from sacroiliitis symptoms.

  • Snehana

    Snehana therapy, which includes the application of medicated oil and ghee both internally and externally, typically takes 1-7 days. Snehana therapy increases the elasticity and mobility of the body's systems. It reduces body pain and muscle pains, prevents fatigue, joint aches, treats insomnia, and treats gastric problems.

Snehana can be classified into two; abhyantara snehana/ snehapana and bahya snehana.

  • Abhyantara snehana (internal oleation)

    Abhyantara snehana can be also known as Snehapana. Snehapana can be again classified into Achapana snehapana and Vicharana snehapana.

  • A. Abhyantara snehana (internal oleation): Abhyantara snehana can be also known as Snehapana. Snehapana can be again classified into Achapana snehapana and Vicharana snehapana.

    B. Bahya Snehana (external oleation): Bahya Snehana is the process of body massage with medicated ghrita or with herbal oils. Bahya snehana is a preparatory procedure before starting five cleansing procedures.

  • Bahya Snehana (external oleation)

    Bahya Snehana is the process of body massage with medicated ghrita or with herbal oils. Bahya snehana is a preparatory procedure before starting five cleansing procedures.

    A. Swedana (svedana) : Swedana is an important karma in Panchakarma therapy. Swedana is done after Snehana therapy. The Sanskrit meaning of Swedana is 'sweating'. Swedana therapy helps to expel body toxins through sweating. Swedana therapy is very effective in preventing pains associated with body parts such as:

    • Neck pain.
    • Pain in foot, leg, knee, and thigh regions.
    • Pain in hip joints.
    • Calming stiffening of thighs.
    • Prevents Ankylosing Spondylitis.
    • Helps in handling ankle sprain.
    • Pacify Pitta and Kapha disorders.
    • Treats excessive weakness.

    B. Mridu Virechana : Virechana karma helps to cleanse blood toxins, the sweat glands, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, spleen, and rakta vaha srotas. Virechana helps to pacify aggravated Vata dosha.

    C. Trikadi Ksheera Vasti : Ksheera Basti is known as Mrudu Niruha Basti. Dosha samana is the main objective of Ksheera vasti. As per Ayurveda, Asthi and Majja is the seat of Vata, and vitiation of Vata dosha leads to joint pains. Ksheera Basti nourishes the Asthi Dhatu (bones and cartilage) and pacifies Vata Dosha.

Ayurveda manages Sacroiliitis through Snehana, Swedana, Mridu Virechana, and Kheera Vasti.