Ayurvedic Treatment Plan

How To Cure Psoriasis Through Kerala Ayurveda photo

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Some of the treatment in Ayurveda includes:

  • Diet changes

    In Ayurveda, drinking lots of water and eating green, leafy vegetables is thought to help with psoriasis. Foods and drinks to avoid include alcohol, red meat, spicy food, junk food, and acidic foods.

  • Turmeric

    This bright yellow-orange spice is considered a psoriasis treatment in Ayurvedic medicine. Many studies show that turmeric reduces inflammation and has antioxidant properties, meaning it protects cells. You can eat turmeric in food, such as curries, or take it as a supplement.

  • Andira araroba

    It is a botanical powder made from the Andira araroba tree. Ayurvedic specialists mix the powder with vinegar or lemon juice to form a paste that they apply to psoriasis patches.

  • Olive oil

    Apply this directly to psoriasis patches or add it to a bath to ease dryness and irritation.

  • Milk thistle

    Ayurvedic experts think this herb stops psoriasis symptoms because it helps the liver and immune system work well.

  • Cayenne pepper

    It contains a compound called capsaicin, used in Ayurvedic medicine. When applied to your skin in a cream, capsaicin may block nerve endings that add to the pain. It may also ease inflammation, scaling, and redness from psoriasis. Be careful if you use a capsaicin product because it can cause a burning feeling on your skin.

  • Aloe Vera

    In Ayurvedic medicine, the gel of this plant is applying to plaques. Some research shows it reduces itching and scaling.

If you visit an Ayurveda practitioner, they will create a treatment plan based on your symptoms and lifestyle. It may include Diet changes, Herbs, massage, Oils applied to your body, Enemas or laxatives, Controlled vomiting, Blood cleansing using herbs or bloodletting, which involves draining blood from your body, Meditation, and movement, etc.