Ayurvedic Treatments Trigeminal Neuralgia

Ayurveda Treatments And Herbal Remedies For Trigeminal Neuralgia photo

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From the ancient period onwards, Ayurveda has a rich history of treating various diseases. Similarly, Trigeminal neuralgia also can be treatable through effective Ayurvedic treatments.

  • Deepana

    Deepana treatment aims to improve metabolism and lights the digestive fire.

  • Abhyanga

    Abhyanga treatment ensures overall improvement of health through the application of whole-body massage. Under the Abhyanga process, the herbal-infused hot oil is applying to the whole body which helps in the loosening of nerves. Abhyanga is a very effective method in treating Trigeminal neuralgia.

  • Snehapana

    Snehapana is the process of administering medicated ghee and aims to improve physical strength.

  • Swedana

    Swedana process aims to induce sweat in the body through steaming and removing body toxins. Swedana treatment is very effective in treating Vata disorders. Here the nerves are loosened through the steam procedure.

  • Nasya

    Nasya is the method of administering herbal oils or medicated oils through the nasal passage. During Nasya treatment, the central nervous system becomes cleansed. Soothing of facial nerves is another advantage of Nasya treatment.

  • Rasayana

    Rasayana is an Ayurvedic rejuvenation Therapy that aims to increase immunity levels and the overall health of the body. Various herbs are used to make Rasayana. Consuming Rasayana is a relief for strained nerves.

  • Sadhyo Virechana

    Virechana is a purgation therapy that ensures the removal of ama (toxins) from the body and Virechana is a controlled process.

Ayurvedic treatment methods to cure Trigeminal neuralgia are Deepana, Abhyanga, Snehapana, Rasayana, Nasya, Swedana, and Sadhyo Virechana. Ayurvedic treatments can rejuvenate the mind and soul of a person.