Symptoms Of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Ayurveda Treatments And Herbal Remedies For Trigeminal Neuralgia photo

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General symptoms of Trigeminal neuralgia are,

  • Pain mostly on one side of the face.
  • Pain while chewing, brushing, talking, drinking, and shaving.
  • Pain lasts for two minutes usually, but severe.
  • Pain in the areas where the Trigeminal nerve supplies like cheeks, gums, teeth, lips, sometimes in eyes and forehead.
  • Pain may be at some point or maybe wider sometimes.
  • Constant burning sensations.

Sharp and intense pain are the major symptoms of Trigeminal neuralgia. The pain lasts for seconds to minutes. Other symptoms are pain while chewing, brushing, shaving, etc, the pain usually on one side, constant burning sensations, etc.

Ayurveda has preventive measures to cure the pain that occurs due to Trigeminal neuralgia.