Benefits Of Dronapushpi

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Dronapushpi is a famous Ayurvedic medicinal herb that grows as a weed in India and many Southeast Asian countries. It has a lot of health benefits. Important of them are mentioned below:
- Treats Skin Infections
Dronapushpi plays a major role in treating various skin infections. The presence of antioxidants in Dronapushpi helps to fight against harmful free radicals from the body. Its antipruritic properties remove the itching sensation caused due to allergic conditions like psoriasis, scabies, patchy skin, eczema, acne, sunburn, etc. The bioactive compounds present in this traditional herb prevent worm infestation and also treat wounds and improve healing.
- Useful for Snakebites, Scorpion sting
The anti-inflammatory properties in this herb helps in reducing the swelling and effectively heal the wound by snakes and scorpion sting. This herb can flesh out toxins from the body. Apply a paste of the leaves over insect bites or any skin infection to help with pain and inflammation.
- Prevents Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which an individual suffers from self-starvation. The presence of a Natural appetizer in Dronapushpi reduces the symptoms of this eating disorder. The digestive stimulant helps in the digestion of food, improves appetite.
- Improves Respiratory Health
The powerful anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and antispasmodic properties of this Ayurvedic herb treat the problems related to the respiratory system like the common cold, flu, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Dronapushpi is a natural expectorant that helps in getting rid of the mucus deposits within the chest and nasal cavities and thus helps in breathing.
- Treats Fever
The leaves of Dronapushpi are used against several infectious conditions. The oil and paste from leaves reduce the body temperature and hinder the growth of microbes. It also prevents aggravation of the infection within the body.
- Treats Filariasis
Filariasis is an infectious tropical disease caused by any one of several thread-like parasitic roundworms. The analgesic and anti-microbial effects are found to be extremely effective against filariasis. .
- Treats digestive disorders
Dronapushpi is an effective remedy to treat gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, constipation, flatulence, stomach pain, etc. The carminative nature of this herb helps in breaking down the food particles in the stomach and intestine. It enhances the secretion of the digestive juices and thereby increases the absorption of essential nutrients through the intestines. It helps to remove abdominal gas and thus reduces abdominal distension, bloating, and gaseous cramps.
- Treats Jaundice
The Juice of Dronapushpi has anti-bilious properties and is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice.
- Effect on Doshas
Ayurvedic texts explain this plant is known as Kapha Vata Shameka and Pitta Shodhaka, Which means it has the power to balance Tridoshas (Vata, pitta, and Kapha). It effectively reduces Vata and Kapha doshas.
Dronapushpi is a traditional remedy for treating a wide range of diseases like skin infections, respiratory disorders, jaundice, digestive disorders, filariasis, fever, and Anorexia Nervosa. It is also a useful remedy for snake bites and scorpion stings. It also treats Tridoshas.