Health Benefits Of Chandanadi Thailam

Chandanadi Thailam - An Ayurvedic Remedy For Burning Sensation And Dizziness photo

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For various applications, this ayurvedic oil appears mentioned in Yoga Ratnakara Rajayakshma Chikitsa and Sahasrayogam Tailayoga 30. It can use both internally and externally. Each of the advantages is listed below:

  • Benefits for hair

    The powerful Ayurvedic herbs in Chandanadi Thailam act externally to prevent hair greying and hair loss, as well as a burning sensation in the head and sunstroke. For hair concerns, we can massage it into the scalp. A full-body massage can help to relieve skin from sunstroke and burning sensations.

  • Relief to headaches

    It provides immediate relief from headaches induced by prolonged sun exposure.

  • Regulates Pitta balance

    It also maintains Pitta balance, allowing the entire body to relax. Its mystical composition has this cooling effect.

  • Treats Burning sensations and bleeding

    Body heat, according to Ayurveda, is the source of bleeding and burning sensations. Chandanadi Thailam acts as a cooling agent. The oil also acts as a heat pacifier, balancing body heat and relieving burning and bleeding. All the Ayurvedic herbs in Chandanadi Thailam contribute to the cooling properties, making it a multipurpose oil for balancing body heat. It also helps in relieving dizziness.

  • Internal Uses

    Internally, this thailam acts as an effective remedy to treat gout, severe menstrual bleeding, jaundice, nosebleeds, and other types of bleeding. It treats internally through the nasal installation (drops instilled in the nose) for neurological problems like nose bleed or internal administration (oral intake).

Chandanadi Thailam is an ayurvedic medicated oil used in treating burning sensation, dizziness, bleeding disorders, menstrual problems, Pitta dosha predominant diseases, headaches, and all types of hair problems.