Health Benefits Of Elakanadi Kashayam

Elakanadi Kashayam For Chronic Respiratory Diseases photo

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In Ayurveda, Elakanadi Kashayam is primarily used to treat Chronic respiratory diseases.

  • Treat anorexia

    The rich antiemetic properties of Elakanadi Kashayam helps to get rid of nausea and vomiting. The digestive and carminative properties of Elakanadi Kashayam improve taste and digestion and treat bloating and indigestion.

  • Treat asthma and bronchitis

    Elakanadi Kashayam treats bronchitis and asthma by detoxifying the blood and boosting blood circulation around and in the lungs. The expectorant properties of Elakanadi Kashayam help in thinning of mucus. Elakanadi kashayam helps to expel phlegm from the lungs also.

  • Treat chronic respiratory diseases

    The antitussive and antibacterial properties of Elakanadi Kashayam help to treat chronic respiratory diseases. .

  • Balances Kapha dosha

    The hot potency and pungent taste of Elakanadi Kashayam helps to balance Kapha dosha and treat cough and asthma naturally.

  • Strengthens immunity

    Elakanadi Kashayam is a natural rejuvenator and it improves the strength and immunity of the body. The immunomodulatory properties of Elakanadi Kashayam protect the body from various infections.

Elakanadi Kashayam is very effective in treating various health conditions such as cough, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc.