Health Benefits Of Giloy

Medicinal Uses Of Giloy photo

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Giloy has been widely used in Ayurveda for centuries to treat various diseases naturally. Giloy is rich in a variety of medicinal properties. The stem, root, and leaves of Giloy are used in Ayurveda to prepare formulations. Giloy can be used in the form of powder, paste, capsule, and juice.

  • Giloy treats chronic fevers

    Giloy is a natural solution to cure different types of fevers like hay fever, dengue fever, and chronic fever. According to Ayurveda, ama and certain foreign particles are behind the occurrence of fevers. Giloy is rich in antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties which help to fight infections and boosts your immunity naturally. Giloy helps to improve platelet counts; hence reducing dengue fever complications. Giloy is effective in preventing running nose, nasal blockages, and watering of the eyes.

  • Treats Arthritis

    Giloy contains antiarthritic properties that help to prevent joint pains and gout associated with arthritis. Consuming Giloy powder with milk is beneficial in preventing joint pains. .

  • Treats diabetes

    Giloy acts like a hypoglycemic agent which helps to stimulate the production of insulin secretion from the pancreas and controls blood sugar levels. In Ayurveda, Giloy is popularly known as' Madhunashini' which means 'destroyer of sugar'. Giloy is rich in anti-diabetic properties also.

  • Treats indigestion

    Giloy is fantastic medicine for people with a weak digestive system. The stem of the Giloy can be used to improve digestion and prevent constipation. Giloy also treats bloating and gastric troubles.

  • Boosts immunity

    Consuming Giloy juice twice a day is very effective in improving our immune system naturally; hence our body gets more capacity to fight various pathogens. Giloy is rich in immunomodulatory properties. The antioxidant properties of Giloy help to expel toxins from our bodies.

  • Improves cardiac function

    Giloy contains cardioprotective properties. The antioxidant properties in Giloy are beneficial for improving heart function.

  • Improves eyesight

    Applying Giloy powder with a mix of water helps to improve vision naturally. The treatment is an inevitable part of Panchakarma treatment.

  • Prevents early aging

    Giloy is rich in flavonoids and anti-aging properties. Giloy is very effective in reducing wrinkles and ensures glowing skin naturally. The flavonoids entertain new cell growths and prevent cell-damaging also.

  • Treats stress and anxiety

    Giloy is rich in neuroprotective properties that help to improve cognition and reduce mental stress. The adaptogenic properties in Giloy help to calm down the nerves and reduce anxiety, depression, and stress thereby. .

  • Treats liver diseases

    Giloy is rich in Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties that help to improve metabolism and liver functions naturally. .

  • Treats Cancer

    Giloy helps to prevent the growth of cancer cells and balances tridoshas. Giloy also contains Rasayana properties that reduce cell damage.

  • Treats high cholesterol

    Giloy contains Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties that help to expel toxins from the body; hence reducing high cholesterol levels. .

Giloy is packed with infinite health benefits. Giloy has been used widely in Ayurveda to treat various diseases like fever, diabetes, arthritis, kidney diseases, cancer, stress and anxiety, high cholesterol, premature aging, indigestion, improves immunity, improves cardiac function, improves nerves functions, and improves eyesight.