Health Benefits Of Kalmeghasava

Ingredients, Health Benefits, And Side Effects Of Kalmeghasava photo

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Kalmeghasava is widely used in Ayurveda to cure various health conditions.

  • Hepatomegaly

    Kalmegha is the primary ingredient of Kalmeghasava which is rich in hepatoprotective properties that help ease various types of liver diseases.

  • Constipation

    Kalmeghasava is rich in laxative properties that help prevent constipation difficulties.

  • Splenomegaly

    Kalmeghasava is rich in Spleno-protective properties that help get rid of spleen enlargement.

  • Chronic fever

    The antipyretic and antiviral properties of Kalmeghasava helps in fast relief from chronic fever symptoms.

  • Skin diseases

    Kalmeghasava is rich in anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and antibacterial properties that protect the skin from various bacterial and viral infections.

  • Intestinal worms

    The vermicide properties of Kalmeghasava prevent the growth of intestinal worms. .

  • Blood clotting

    The antithrombotic properties of Kalmeghasava prevents blood clot formation.

  • Boosts immunity

    The potent ingredients of Kalmeghasava can boost immunity and prevent various infections.

Various health conditions such as hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, constipation, skin diseases, blood clotting, chronic fever, etc can be effectively managed with Kalmeghasava in Ayurveda. Also, this formulation is a powerful immunity booster as well.