Herbal Medicines For Menstruation Cycle

Ayurvedic Herbal Medicines To Manage Healthy Menstruation Cycle photo

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  • Ashoka

    Ashoka is the queen of herbs for the female reproductive system, considered as a uterine tonic and aiding in heavy bleeding and discomfort. This herb will aid in physical as well as psychological pain. Its astringent taste also aids in removing excess tissue and wastes and helps tone the uterus, aiding in heavy cycles.

  • Shatavari

    It has been translated as the “women who have a hundred husbands.” This herb has a particular affinity to the female reproductive tract and urinary system.

  • Ashwagandha

    Ashwagandha has a positive effect on the reproductive system, libido, and menstrual cycles. This Ayurvedic herb has been to reduce stress hormones and stimulate blood flow to the female reproductive organs. .

  • Kanchanar Guggulu

    This Guggulu formulation contains heating and cleansing herbs. It is great for scraping and moving out wastes, particularly in gynecologic imbalances involving stagnation and congestion.

  • Anantamul

    This Ayurvedic herb acts as a pitta pacifier in the blood, making it a great blood cleanser, and in the genitourinary tract. It acts as a cleanser and a nourisher.

  • Aloe Vera

    In Sanskrit, this herb is called kumari, meaning “young maiden.” Aloe vera is widely respected as being highly supportive of a woman’s reproductive system. Aloe is cooling and very cleansing to the urine, blood, and plasma. It removes stagnation and blockages and acts as a tonic.

  • Manjistha

    Manjistha is an excellent blood cleanser, removing pitta, while also building the blood gently. As it cleanses the blood, it also can remove stagnation and constriction within the reproductive tract. Manjistha is one of the main ingredients in blood Cleanse tablets.

  • Triphala

    Triphala can help in the elimination of wastes, particularly from the gastrointestinal tract, and removing toxins from the body. .

  • Tulsi

    Tulsi is an effective herb that is very beneficial for nourishing the lungs and prana, but it is a builder and nourisher of the rasa dhatu, making it a beautiful herb for nourishment for flow.

Ayurveda prescribes many herbal supports that are effective during the time of the menstruation cycle. Some of them are tulsi, Triphala, Manjistha, aloe Vera, Anantamul, kanchanar, Guggulu, ashwagandha, Shatavari, Ashoka, etc.