Ingredients Of Ashokarishta

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General ingredients of Ashokarishta are powerful herbs with a lot of medicinal properties. The tonic has magical powers to increase the immunity in our body. They are:
- Mustak Roots.
- Jaggery.
- Dhataki Flowers.
- Daruharidra.
- Mango Seed.
- Ginger Rhizome.
- Utpala Flowers.
- Kalonji.
- Vibhitaki.
- Indian Gooseberry.
- Sandalwood.
- Haritaki.
- Cumin Seed.
- Adulsa.
The key ingredients in Ashokarishta are adulsa, cumin seed, haritaki, sandalwood, Indian gooseberry, vibhitaki, utpala flowers, Mustak Roots, Jaggery, Dhataki Flowers, Daruharidra, Mango Seed, and Ginger Rhizome.