Health Benefits Of Ashokarishta

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Ashokarishta is an Ayurvedic herbal tonic with extensive health benefits. Ashokarishta has a greater role in maintaining hormonal balance in women. The key ingredients of Ashokarishta are Ashoka, Musta, Vibhitaki, Jeeraka, Vasa, and Dhataki. Ashokarishta can treat several gynecological diseases and menstrual problems. Ashokarishta improves the function of the female reproductive system. Ashokarishta can bring a balance between Tridoshas like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
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Ingredients Of Ashokarishta
General ingredients of Ashokarishta are powerful herbs with a lot of medicinal properties. The tonic has magical powers to increase the immunity in our body. They are:
- Mustak Roots.
- Jaggery.
- Dhataki Flowers.
- Daruharidra.
- Mango Seed.
- Ginger Rhizome.
- Utpala Flowers.
- Kalonji.
- Vibhitaki.
- Indian Gooseberry.
- Sandalwood.
- Haritaki.
- Cumin Seed.
- Adulsa.
The key ingredients in Ashokarishta are adulsa, cumin seed, haritaki, sandalwood, Indian gooseberry, vibhitaki, utpala flowers, Mustak Roots, Jaggery, Dhataki Flowers, Daruharidra, Mango Seed, and Ginger Rhizome.
Medicinal Properties Of Ashokarishta
General ingredients of Ashokarishta are powerful herbs with a lot of medicinal properties. The tonic has magical powers to increase the immunity in our body. They are:
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Estrogenic.
- Rejuvenating.
- Anti-carcinogenic.
- Adaptogenic.
- Haematinic.
Ashokarishta contains powerful herbs with a lot of medicinal properties like haematinic, adaptogenic, rejuvenating, anti-carcinogenic, estrogenic, and anti-inflammatory.
Benefits Of Ashokarishta
Ashokarishta has been used to treat a variety of diseases, particularly those related to gynecology and menstrual cycle disorders, since antiquity. Ashokarishta can be used to treat hormonal imbalances, urinary disorders, uterine strengthening, painful periods, and improve appetite, among other things.
- Treats Osteoporosis
Ashokarishta helps to prevent osteoporosis symptoms by preventing bone mineral loss that occurs during menopause. Ashokarishta is high in calcium and other minerals, which automatically improves bone health and prevents bone damage.
- Promotes digestion
Due to the rich herbal combination in Ashokarishta, it is rich in fiber also. So that indigestion problems can be reduced and regulates bowel movements naturally. Ajaji(Cumin) is a key ingredient in Ashokarishta that stimulates the digestive fire in our body.
- Prevents menstrual cramps
With the rich combination of potent herbs, regular consumption of Ashokarishta can prevent menstrual cramps, strengthen the uterus, promote uterine function, and modulate uterine contractions. .
- Treats Pelvic inflammatory diseases
Pelvic inflammatory diseases are inflammations of the reproductive organs in women. Ashokarishta is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that help to prevent damages to the reproductive organs of women.
- Purifies blood
The herbal combinations in Ashokarishta helps to attack bacterias and purifies the blood. Hence various infections can be prevented with the regular consumption of Ashokarishta. .
- Treats Irregular periods
According to Ayurveda, Apana Vayu ( a subcomponent of Vata Dosha) is the main reason for irregular periods. The key ingredient of Ashokarishta is Ashoka which can balance the Vata dosha. Hence Ashokarishta can regularise the menstrual cycles and hormones.
- Treats menorrhagia
Menorrhagia is a condition of menstrual periods with prolonged bleeding. The herbal combinations in Ashokarishta can regulate uterine functions; hence bleeding can be controlled naturally. .
- Boosts stamina and energy
The potent herbal components in Ashokarishta improve body strength and stamina naturally. The herbs like Amrashti, Guda, Chandana, and Ajaji play an important role in improving the stamina of the body. .
Ashokarishta is very effective in treating various diseases like osteoporosis, uterine contraction, irregular periods, treats menorrhagia, treats pelvic inflammatory diseases, prevents menstrual cramps, improves stamina, and improves digestion.
Dosage Of Ashokarishta
The dosages of Ashokarishta are generally based on the recommendations of the doctor. However, an adult person can take 15 to 30 ml of Ashokarishta normally after meals. An equal quantity of water can be taken together with the Ashokarishta.
Side Effects Of Ashokarishta
Not so serious side effects were reported with the use of Ashokarishta ever. However, overdosage of Ashokarishta without proper consultation may cause the following symptoms.
- High blood pressure.
- Acidity and heartburn.
- Constipation.
- Low blood sugar.
- Reduced menstrual flow.
- Vomiting or nausea.
- Irregular periods.
- Palpitation.
- Indigestion and burning sensation.
- Uterine Contraction.
Even though Ashokarishta is safe to use normally but sometimes overdosages and lack of proper consultation lead to uterine contraction, high blood pressure, low blood sugar, vomiting or nausea, constipation, irregular periods, acidity, burning sensation, reduced menstrual flow, and palpitation.
Precautions Before Using Ashokarishta
- Administration of Ashokarishta during pregnancy and lactation period has been strictly avoided. .
- If the person is undergoing any treatment, please get the advice of your doctor.
- A person who suffers from diabetes should avoid the intake of Ashokarishta.
Ashokarishta is an Ayurvedic herbal formula that helps to treat various diseases associated with women like uterine disorders and ovarian diseases. Ashokarishta can be considered as a health tonic for women.
All the information regarding Ashokarishta and its health benefits was collected from various Ayurvedic resources. Always better to seek the advice of your Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.
- Sushruta Samhita.