Medicinal Properties Of Punarnavarishta

Health Benefits Of Punarnavarishta photo

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The main medicinal properties of Punarnavarishta include:

  • Anti-inflammatory

    Anti-inflammatory medicines reduce pain partly by reducing inflammation. People can use these drugs to relieve symptoms of pain, stiffness, swelling, and fever.

  • Anti-arthritic

    This property tending to relieve or prevent arthritis or its symptoms.

  • Mild Anti-hypertensive

    It is property to prevent the complications of high blood pressure, such as stroke and myocardial infarction.

  • Mild Analgesic

    A type of drug that stops you from feeling pain.

  • Anti-gout

    Anti-gout agents work to either correct overproduction or underexcretion of uric acid.

  • Carminative

    It is a property that relieves flatulence.

  • Diuretic

    These are medications designed to increase the amount of water and salt expelled from the body as urine.

  • Haematinic

    This property helps to increase hemoglobin levels.

  • Hematogenic

    It also helps in the formation of red blood cells.

  • Lowers bilirubin

    It helps in Lowers bilirubin.

  • Lithontriptic (lithotriptic)

    This property helps to dissolve kidney stones.

The healing properties of Punarnavarishta include Anti-inflammatory, Anti-arthritic, Mild Anti-hypertensive, Carminative, Haematinic, Hematogenic, Lowers bilirubin, Anti-gout, Mild Analgesic Lithontriptic, and Diuretic properties.