Health Benefits Of Punarnavarishta

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Punarnavarishta is a polyherbal Ayurvedic formulation used for treating liver and inflammatory disorders. It also helps to protect the body against diseases of the spleen, heart, urinary system, and kidney. The main composition of this Ayurvedic medicine is Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa). This Ayurvedic medicine contains 5%-7% self-generated natural alcohol; so it provides soluble herbal constituents to the body with the help of water. Due to its mild analgesic property, it is very effective to cure various kinds of body aches. Punarnavarishta is also used for jaundice, anemia, gout, heart diseases, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, oedema, kidney failure, and gastrointestinal diseases.
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Ingredients Of Punarnavarishta
The key ingredients of Punarnavarishta include:
- Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa).
- Bala (Sida cordifolia).
- Patha(Cissampelos pareira).
- Giloy ( Tinospora cordifolia).
- Chitraka ( Plumbago zeylanica).
- Kantakari ( Solanum virginianum).
- Chaturjat.
- Sugandha Bala ( Pavonia Odorata).
- Maricha ( Piper nigrum).
- Dhataki Pushpa ( Woodfordia fruticosa).
- Jaggery. .
Medicinal Properties Of Punarnavarishta
The main medicinal properties of Punarnavarishta include:
- Anti-inflammatory
Anti-inflammatory medicines reduce pain partly by reducing inflammation. People can use these drugs to relieve symptoms of pain, stiffness, swelling, and fever.
- Anti-arthritic
This property tending to relieve or prevent arthritis or its symptoms.
- Mild Anti-hypertensive
It is property to prevent the complications of high blood pressure, such as stroke and myocardial infarction.
- Mild Analgesic
A type of drug that stops you from feeling pain.
- Anti-gout
Anti-gout agents work to either correct overproduction or underexcretion of uric acid.
- Carminative
It is a property that relieves flatulence.
- Diuretic
These are medications designed to increase the amount of water and salt expelled from the body as urine.
- Haematinic
This property helps to increase hemoglobin levels.
- Hematogenic
It also helps in the formation of red blood cells.
- Lowers bilirubin
It helps in Lowers bilirubin.
- Lithontriptic (lithotriptic)
This property helps to dissolve kidney stones.
The healing properties of Punarnavarishta include Anti-inflammatory, Anti-arthritic, Mild Anti-hypertensive, Carminative, Haematinic, Hematogenic, Lowers bilirubin, Anti-gout, Mild Analgesic Lithontriptic, and Diuretic properties.
Punarnavarishta Benefits
The presence of anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of Punarnavarishta gives relief in heart, kidney, and liver disorders. The other benefits of Punarnavarishta are the following:
- Helps with spleen and liver disorders
Punarnavarishta is an indigenous Ayurvedic Asava Arishta medicine that is very effective in the treatment of spleen enlargement, Anemia, and other liver disorders. This natural product acts on the liver and spleen and supports their normal functioning.
- Treats Anemia
The presence of Hematogenic properties in Punarnavarishta helps the formation of red blood cells. So it is an effective remedy for anemic people. It also cures appetite loss and weakness.
- Hepatic Steatosis
It is also called fatty liver disease. Punarnavarishta helps to reduce the fat accumulated on the liver. It is effective in alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
- Gout and High Uric Acid Level in the blood
Gout is a common metabolic disorder caused by high levels of uric acid in the body and is characterized by the deposition of uric acid crystals in joints. Punarnavarishta is an effective remedy for elevated uric acid levels. It increases uric acid secretion through the kidneys.
- Treats oedema
Punarnavarishta is a liquid ayurvedic medicine that is useful in treating liver disorders related to generalized oedema with ascites. It has anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective action.
- Prevents Skin diseases
As per Ayurveda Punarnavarishta is an effective remedy to heal skin due to its quick wound healing activity. Moreover, the presence of the punarnava in punarnavasava helps to reduce joint pain due to its vata balancing property. So it is advisable to use this ayurvedic medicine if you have hypersensitive skin.
- Remedy for urinary tract infection
The key composition in Punarnavarishta is Punarnava that plays a prominent role in preventing and treating urinary distension, kidney stones, and painful urination. The herb has potent anti-spasmodic, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties which helps to prevent bacterial infections in the urinary tract and thereby reducing inflammation and pain while urinating.
- Promotes Weight Loss
It has the power in burning excess fat. The bioactive component in this ayurvedic formulation prevents weight gain and lowers bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Its mild laxative property washes out excess unwanted fluids and harmful toxins from the body while also maintaining body weight.
- Enhances Cardiac Functioning
It also plays an important role in treating heart ailments. It relaxes the cardiac system, by calming the mind, which is extremely beneficial for patients suffering from arrhythmias and palpitations. It strengthens the heart muscles, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and preventing lipid build-up, which in turn reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, heart blocks, blood clots, etc.
Punarnavarishta plays a key role in preventing skin diseases, treats oedema, anemia, etc. It is an effective remedy for spleen and liver disorders. It helps to reduce fat accumulated in the liver. It treats gout and high uric acid level in the blood, Enhances Cardiac Functioning, Promotes Weight Loss, and prevents urinary tract infection.
Dosage Instructions
Take 2 to 4 tablespoons, 2-3 times in a day with an equal amount of lukewarm water or as directed by the physician.
Side Effects
Punarnavarishta is very safe if you are using it with the correct dosage mentioned above. But if you are consuming it with an empty stomach or without mixing an appropriate amount of water some people may feel a burning sensation in the throat. It is not advisable for diabetic patients due to its sugar content and self-generated alcohol content.
The information about Punarnavarishta is taken from different Ayurvedic resources. Please consider the opinion of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor, before consuming this Ayurvedic formulation for various health problems.
- Charaka Samhita.