Medicinal Properties Of Trikatu Churna

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Trikatu Churna has the following medicinal properties:
- Bio-enhancer .
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Mild anodyne.
- Appetizer and Digestive Stimulant.
- Carminative.
- Fat Burner.
- Chemo-protective.
- Anti-viral.
- Hypolipidemic.
- Expectorant.
- Hypoglycemic.
- Antiemetic.
Trikatu Churna is rich in medicinal properties such as Bio-enhancer, Anti-inflammatory, Mild anodyne, Appetizer, Digestive Stimulant, Carminative, Fat Burner, Chemo-protective, Anti-viral, Hypolipidemic, Expectorant, Hypo-glycemic, and Antiemetic properties.