Preventive Ways To Avoid Dengue Fever
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Following are some of the steps you can take to keep yourself safe from the virus
- Reduce Mosquito Habitat
The mosquitoes which breed dengue thrive in stagnant water containing objects like tires, plastic covers, flower pots, pet water bowls, etc. Reducing the habitat available for these mosquitoes (by getting rid of stagnant water to breed) can help prevent dengue.
- Stay in well-screened houses
Ensure that the windows are closed properly or the door screens do not contain any holes. This would eliminate the chances of any mosquitoes entering the house.
- Use Mosquito Repellents
Using mosquito repellents, especially in tropical areas with high populations and crowds, can help repel mosquitoes from biting you. Apply mosquito repellent creams on your body when traveling to tropical destinations and even when you are indoors.
- Wear Protective Clothing
To avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, one can go for long-sleeved clothes and full pants with socks & covered shoes. It is advisable to go for this kind of protective clothing specifically in dengue-infested areas. .
- Sleep under Mosquito-net
Sleeping under the mosquito net can provide you and your children a double layer of protection from being bitten by mosquitoes. .
- Personal hygiene
When you are infected with any virus, you are extra sensitive to other illnesses. Use a hand sanitizer that acts to keep germs at bay. This liquid soap will protect you against many illness-causing germs.
Some of the preventive ways to avoid Dengue Fever are reducing mosquito habitat, Stay in well-screened houses, use mosquito repellents, wear protective clothing, sleep under a mosquito net, and following personal hygiene.