Therapeutic Indications

Health Benefits Of Chavikasavam photo

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Chavikasavam is very effective in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • Indigestion

    The digestive stimulant properties in Chavikasavam induce proper secretion of digestive juices, so it alleviates taste and helps in indigestion.

  • Hernia

    The anti-inflammatory properties present in Chavikasavam helps to get rid of pain and inflammation associated with hernia.

  • Urinary diseases

    Chavikasavam can effectively treat urinary tract infections because the herbal ingredients in Chavikasava are high in Vitamin C, which helps to increase the acidity of the urine. As a result, bacteria that cause infections get naturally killed. .

  • Common Cold and cough

    Chavikasava is very effective in managing cold and cough. The properties in Chavikasava helps to release the mucus and clear air passages. Hence, gets relief from cough and cols. The Rasayana property of Chavikasava rejuvenates the lungs also. .

  • Flatulence

    An imbalance of Pitta and Vata doshas causes low digestive fire and weak digestion and results in flatulence and stomach pain. Chavikasavam's anuushna (mild hot potency) aids in the correction of the digestive fire and can alleviate flatulence symptoms.

  • Abdominal distension

    Chavya is the primary ingredient of Chavikasavam that helps to promote digestion, alleviates constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, and distension.

  • Gout

    The anti-inflammatory properties contained in Chavikasava helps to get rid of pain and inflammations associated with Gout. .

  • Allergic rhinitis

    Accumulation of ama ( toxins) in the body can cause various diseases. The build-up of toxins aggravates Kapha (water) in the body and ultimately results in allergies. Chavikasavam helps to pacify Kapha dosha and prevents allergic symptoms. .

  • Liver diseases

    Chavikasavam is rich in hepatoprotective properties that help to prevent liver damage and improve liver function naturally. .

  • Treats anorexia

    The appetizer property of Chavikasavam helps to improve digestion and appetite naturally. .

Chavikasavam is very effective in the treatment of indigestion, hernia, urinary diseases, common cold, flatulence, abdominal distension, gout, cough, allergic rhinitis, and sinusitis.