Ayurveda Says About Pancreatitis

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According to Ayurveda, Pancreas is known as ‘Grahani’ which means the seat of Agni, and Pancreatitis is known as 'Agnyashaya’.
Agnyashaya can be caused due to imbalance of the Vata-Pitta element in Rasa Dhatu (digestive fire) in the initial stage. When the situation becomes worse, there are chances of Dhatu Kshaya means degenerative changes in Agnyashaya.
Pancreas is the largest gland in our body and produces essential digestive enzymes and regulates blood sugar. The inflammations of the pancreas are known as Pancreatitis. There are various reasons for the inflammations and of course, Ayurveda has effective treatment methods to cure Pancreatitis.