Ayurvedic Care For Girls During Puberty

Ayurvedic Diet Chart For Girls During Puberty photo

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Puberty is an important period for girls. They go through different physical as well as emotional changes. As puberty is the phase of growth and development, they need to follow a healthy diet, lifestyle, and proper natural care.

Ayurveda care includes intake of natural medicines and Panchakarma treatments for the improvement of proper mental as well as physical development.

  • Natural medicines

    Ayurveda recommends an intake of natural medicines to treat puberty very effectively. Following Manovah srotas chikitsa, Medhya rasayan chikitsa, Sangyasthapan chikitsa, and Satvavajay chikitsa are the fine remedies to treat puberty naturally.

  • Panchakarma

    Most common Panchakarma treatments that can apply for girls during puberty periods are

    a. Nasya - The nose is considered the door to your brain. Nasya is the administration of herbal oils through nostrils. Nasya treatment aims to combine head, neck, and shoulder massages through herbal products. Nasya treatment pacifies Vata dosha.

    .b. Shirodhara - Siro Dhara is considered as pouring medicated oil slowly to the forehead. Siro Dhara improves memory and concentration, makes a balance of Vata and Pitta doshas, improves body strength, etc.

    c. Abhyanga - Abhyanga is the whole body massage through Ayurvedic oils. There are various health benefits by practicing Abhyanga like improving overall health, skin becomes softer, improves blood circulation and strength of the body, improves tone and texture, etc.

    d. Lepam - Lepam therapy is applying herbal paste all over the body without any massages. Lepanam is very essential for skin glow and helps to relieve various kinds of pains naturally. .

Abhyanga, Nasya, Lepam, and Siro Dhara are the common Panchakarma treatments suggested by Ayurveda for the healthy development of girls in the puberty period.