Ayurvedic Herbs For The Treatment Of Allergic Bronchitis

Ayurvedic Management For Allergic Bronchitis photo

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Ginger: Gingers have an anti-inflammatory effect against respiratory infection. Ginger tea may also help to reduce Allergic bronchitis symptoms.

Mulethi: Mulethi has several compounds that work as anti-inflammatory anti-allergic agents. So it is very effective for curing Allergic Bronchitis symptoms.

Turmeric: Turmeric acts as a natural antibiotic. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it works as an effective ayurvedic herb to cure respiratory disorders.

Vasa: Vasa is a powerful herb to deal with the symptoms of Allergic Bronchitis. It helps to pacify vitiated pitta and Kapha dosha. It acts as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor agent.

Ashwagandha: It contains magical powers of healing the body against infections and symptoms of cold, cough, and viral bugs. It also possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and rejuvenating properties.

Tulsi: Tulsi is the ancient Ayurvedic herb that has positive actions on the respiratory system. It may also help to reduce cough caused due to allergic bronchitis, asthma, and eosinophilic lung disease. It shows anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and immunomodulatory properties.

As per Ayurveda, there are a lot of herbs used for the treatment of Allergic Bronchitis. Some of them are tulsi, ashwagandha, turmeric, vasa, mulethi, ginger, etc.