Ayurvedic Medicines Used In Female Infertility

Ayurvedic Management Of Female Infertility photo

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Some of the ayurvedic medicines for infertility in women are- Chandraprabha Vati, Yograj Guggulu, Ashokarishta, Kanchnar Guggulu, Kaishor Guggulu, Triphala Guggulu, Shatavari, Jeevanti, Dashmoola, Guduchi, punarnava, Gokshura, Kalyan Ghrita, and Dadimadi Ghrita, Shatapushpa taila, Narayana taila, etc are used.

The inability of a woman to carry the pregnancy to a full term is also called infertility in women. Ayurveda says that Sperm-health, Ovum, and Healthy uterus are essential for conception in women. We could get all this health through the use of herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Amla, Guduchi Gokshura, and Triphala. Along with this Medicated ghee and oils, Ayurvedic medicines help to improve fertility in women.