Ayurvedic Tips And Food To Manage Diabetes

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- Food:
Diabetes can be controlled to an extent by properly controlling your foods. You can add more green vegetables to your diet, seeds of the bitter plant are very beneficial, and you should follow a Kapha pacifying diet.
Foods like hemp seeds, bitter gourd, amla, and aloe vera have also been found effective in managing and controlling diabetes. - Herbs:
Herbs can cure diabetes to a certain level and can reduce the risk of complications. Herbs are very natural and very beneficial for your health and can control your diabetes level, especially herbs with bitter quality. Some of the herbs that can control diabetes are:
- Turmeric is considered very effective when you drink it by mixing it with aloe vera juice.
- Neem is another herb that is good for purifying your blood and rich with vitamin C, hence improving your immune system. It helps to maintain healthy glucose levels.
- Triphala with aloe vera juice is healthy.
- Ginger tea helps in good digestion and reduces excess Kapha in your body.
- Drinking a glass of fenugreek water is beneficial.
- Drinking water in a Copper vessel is found very beneficial for your whole body.
- Guggulu is another herb that helps to detoxify the body and support proper nutrition by stimulating the body's metabolism to improve digestion and eliminate waste products. It helps to remove excess sugar and fat from the body through its scraping actions.
- Yoga:
Yoga is the best method to fight diabetes through meditation and various asanas.
Especially Kapha pacifying exercises like Mayurasana, sun salutation, locust position, leg lifts, and chest to knee positions, nostrils breathing, etc are good for controlling diabetes.
Through healthy food habits, meditation, usage of ayurvedic herbs, we can control diabetes effectively.