Types Of Diabetes

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Ayurveda says, two types of pathogenesis lead to Diabetes.
- Dhatu Kshaya: Dhatu Kshaya means depletion of dhatus or tissues in our body. As a result, there will be an increase in Vata Dosha in our body. An imbalance of Vata dosha leads to diabetes.
- Avarana: Avarana means blockage of paths or channels in our body. Increased Kapha dosha or tissues like fat or muscle leads to blockage of the channel. This leads to the maturity-onset of diabetes. 'Ojas' is the essence of digestion and essence of life which intern gives strength to mind, body, and soul. In diabetes mellitus, this essence of life is lost from the body through excretion in the urine.
Dhatu Kshaya and Avarana are the two reasons which cause Diabetes.