Ayurveda For Diabetes: Causes Symptoms And Home Remedies

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Diabetes is caused due to Kapha disorder which leads to a low metabolic rate in the body and increasing the sugar levels in the blood. When ‘Agni’ (body fire) diminishes in our body, carbohydrate utilization may not function properly, hence glucose level will increase in the blood causing diabetes.
Diabetes is of two types, Diabetes Insipidus which is caused due to Kapha Prameha, and another one is Diabetes Mellitus which is caused due to Vata Prameha.
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Classification Of Diabetes In Ayurveda
In our body, there are more than 20 forms of Prameha diseases which can be classified into three types:
- Kapha Prameha: 10 forms.
- Vata Prameha: 6 forms.
- Pitta Prameha: 4 forms.
Diabetes is a group of diseases and the result in increasing blood sugar level.
Major Causes For Diabetes
- Consumption of excessive sweet.
- Immoderate use of Yogurt.
- Unbalanced sleep.
- Inactivity.
- All Kapha promoting regimens.
- High processed Carbohydrates.
- Family history.
- Impaired glucose tolerance.
Types Of Diabetes
Ayurveda says, two types of pathogenesis lead to Diabetes.
- Dhatu Kshaya: Dhatu Kshaya means depletion of dhatus or tissues in our body. As a result, there will be an increase in Vata Dosha in our body. An imbalance of Vata dosha leads to diabetes.
- Avarana: Avarana means blockage of paths or channels in our body. Increased Kapha dosha or tissues like fat or muscle leads to blockage of the channel. This leads to the maturity-onset of diabetes. 'Ojas' is the essence of digestion and essence of life which intern gives strength to mind, body, and soul. In diabetes mellitus, this essence of life is lost from the body through excretion in the urine.
- Polyuria.
- Excessive Urination.
- Sweetness in the body.
- Weight loss.
- Feeling of craving and thirst.
- Obfuscated vision.
- Pain in the hands or feet.
- Extreme fatigue. Other symptoms of diabetes are fever, burning sensation, diarrhea, indigestion, general debility, excess sleep, muscle loss, inflammatory lesions, etc.
- Mamsa (muscles): When our body doesn’t have enough insulin in our blood, the glucose in the blood cannot get into muscles to fuel them. Gradually lack of glucose leads to damage of muscle cells and necrosis.
- Asthi (bone): De-mineralization of bone tissue leads to weak bones. People with diabetes tend to have low vitamin D, Calcium, etc in their bones. Elevated blood glucose levels lead to chronic inflammation which directly affects the quality and strength of the bone.
- Rasa (plasma): hyperglycemia or high blood sugar increases the thickness of plasma, hence friction may be increased, leading to cell damage.
- Rakta (blood): declined quality of the blood cells leads to increase in viscosity ( resistance of fluids against the flow) that leads to friction between the blood elements and between the vessel lumen and blood.
- Medhas (fat): When insulin doesn't work in the body like it should and blood sugar levels get too high that leads to hypertrophy of adipose tissue.
- Majja (marrow tissue): As a result of high blood sugar, blood flow to the brain becomes low and causes degeneration of brain tissue.
- Sira (arteries): For prolonged diabetec patients, blood flow will be reduced and that causes atherosclerosis. It is a condition in which fats and cholesterol are deposited on an artery wall that restricts blood flow.
- Snayu (nerves): High blood sugar damages the nerves and weakens the walls of the small blood vessels that supply the nerves with oxygen and nutrients leads to neuropathies.
- Tvak (skin): When blood sugar is high, blood flows to the tissues becomes very low, hence death of body tissue happens leads to necrosis, ulcers, carbuncles.
- Shukra (reproductive tissue): Diabetes reduces testosterone levels that lead to loss of libido, transmission to the next generation.
- Frequent Urination.
- Weight Loss.
- Increased thirst.
- High blood sugar levels.
- Food restriction, dietary advice, yoga exercises.
- Shodhana ( removal of unwanted materials like toxins and excess doshas from the body along with the treatment of drugs and restore balance.
- Ayurvedic herbal preparations.
- Food:
Diabetes can be controlled to an extent by properly controlling your foods. You can add more green vegetables to your diet, seeds of the bitter plant are very beneficial, and you should follow a Kapha pacifying diet.
Foods like hemp seeds, bitter gourd, amla, and aloe vera have also been found effective in managing and controlling diabetes. - Herbs:
Herbs can cure diabetes to a certain level and can reduce the risk of complications. Herbs are very natural and very beneficial for your health and can control your diabetes level, especially herbs with bitter quality. Some of the herbs that can control diabetes are:
- Turmeric is considered very effective when you drink it by mixing it with aloe vera juice.
- Neem is another herb that is good for purifying your blood and rich with vitamin C, hence improving your immune system. It helps to maintain healthy glucose levels.
- Triphala with aloe vera juice is healthy.
- Ginger tea helps in good digestion and reduces excess Kapha in your body.
- Drinking a glass of fenugreek water is beneficial.
- Drinking water in a Copper vessel is found very beneficial for your whole body.
- Guggulu is another herb that helps to detoxify the body and support proper nutrition by stimulating the body's metabolism to improve digestion and eliminate waste products. It helps to remove excess sugar and fat from the body through its scraping actions.
- Yoga:
Yoga is the best method to fight diabetes through meditation and various asanas.
Especially Kapha pacifying exercises like Mayurasana, sun salutation, locust position, leg lifts, and chest to knee positions, nostrils breathing, etc are good for controlling diabetes.
Dhatu Kshaya and Avarana are the two reasons which cause Diabetes.
Symptoms Of Diabetes
There are various symptoms of diabetes like Polyuria. Excessive Urination, Weight loss and there are many more.
How Diabetes Is Affecting Our Dhatus/ Tissues
Diabetes affects various tissues in our body in many ways.
Treatment Methods
The most important thing in the treatment of diabetes is stimulating the digestive fire.
Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus
This is also called Type -1 diabetes. At this stage, your immune system destroys cells in your pancreas that make insulin.
This is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. This disease is usually affected by adolescents.
The symptoms of this stage are increased thirst, frequent urination, hunger, fatigue, and blurred vision.
Suggested treatments are insulin therapy, regular monitoring, diet, and exercises.
Common herbs recommended at this stage are Bhumiamalaki, Guduchi, along with a restricted diet which comprises bitter and astringent foods.
Maturity Onset Diabetes Mellitus
At this stage, there is a change that happens to one of our eleven genes and the pancreas cannot release enough insulin.
Maturity Onset Diabetes for the Young is an inherited form of Diabetes mellitus. It can affect at any stage.
Diabetes can be of two types like Juvenile diabetes and Maturity Onset Diabetes Mellitus. This leads to various health issues and through proper ayurvedic practices we can control the adverse effect of this disease.
Ayurvedic Tips And Food To Manage Diabetes
Through healthy food habits, meditation, usage of ayurvedic herbs, we can control diabetes effectively.
The above mentioned information is collected from various Ayurvedic resources and always consult an Ayurvedic doctor before starting self-medication. Reference: